Being discriminated due to oppinions?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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I thought this was an interesting topic on a social issue, you see I read in the newspaper that a guy was banned from the army because of him being a member of the NSF(A Swedish neo-nazi group), I don't like nazis but I think that no matter his opinion he should be given a chance to do army training, what's your opinion?
It's probubly becouse he broke the law and conducted "Hets mot Folkgrupp" (Can be translated to Offending of Group), it can also be becouse his presence would harm morale.
True but it's still a bit silly imo if it was -only- because of his opinions, imo each man is entitled to his own opinion, but I see your point, specifically if there was say a muslim or jew in his battalion then that wouldn't end very pleasingly I think.
Gargantou said:
I thought this was an interesting topic on a social issue, you see I read in the newspaper that a guy was banned from the army because of him being a member of the NSF(A Swedish neo-nazi group), I don't like nazis but I think that no matter his opinion he should be given a chance to do army training, what's your opinion?

In the navy, a person was a registered satanist and the commanding officer was cool with it.

Maybe that neo-nazi guy discriminated other people or offended some people...
Lol, there's already alot of discrimination in the Swedish army from the people who're supposed to TRAIN them, I've read countless of reports of sexual abuse by officers of women, and guys being kicked hard in the stomach when they don't crawl fast enough, these are apparently some "old traditions" in the Swedish army that don't want to go away.
All women who have been in the army that Ive talket to about it has said that they have experienced zero sexual harasment.
Giving army training to a Neo Nazi seems like a bad idea. I agree with their decision to kick him out.
You guys need to see Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket". It's about the tough training in the army, wich is really rough on the soldiers. But later you discover that it is the training that gives those soldiers the ability, will and energy to go on on the battlefield. Being a Kubrick film, you really get to see the psychological effect of it all. Also note the drill sergeant is famous. You'll know it when you see it.

Watch it, then answer above question.
He probably wasn't allowed for his own safety. I mean, who wouldnt want to fill this nazi fool with bullets at the first oppertunity?
Element Alpha said:
You guys need to see Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket". It's about the tough training in the army, wich is really rough on the soldiers. But later you discover that it is the training that gives those soldiers the ability, will and energy to go on on the battlefield. Being a Kubrick film, you really get to see the psychological effect of it all. Also note the drill sergeant is famous. You'll know it when you see it.

Watch it, then answer above question.

Yeah, i saw that movie a few years back. Quite good
Nazis arent allowed in the swedish army cuz its like training terrorists..
The fact that he's a member of a Neo-Nazi organisation shows it's more than an opionion, he's into it in a big way.
Uh.. I completely agree with the decision to keep him out, somebody who is part of an organization supporting a group of people that killed 6million of my blood should be hung by they're testicles and shot. So yes he was in danger, and dangering morale.
Gargantou said:
I thought this was an interesting topic on a social issue, you see I read in the newspaper that a guy was banned from the army because of him being a member of the NSF(A Swedish neo-nazi group), I don't like nazis but I think that no matter his opinion he should be given a chance to do army training, what's your opinion?

I get discriminated against becuase of my opinions on this board all the time..
nicknitro said:
I get discriminated against becuase of my opinions on this board all the time..
Yes you do you bigot! (I am assuming you were kidding so I am too)

I agree with the army, I mean why should they train a member of a neo-nazi group. It's one thing to agree with nazi beliefs, but its a whole other animal to be an actual member of a neo-nazi group
Nazi's belief includes the genocide of all Jews right? Seeing as there's going to be Jews all over the place, what's the problem with not letting him in? He's wrong and he should face that
How, may I ask, do you discriminate... against a nazi?