Benchmark tomorrow?

Benchmark Tomorrow?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 70 39.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 108 60.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I dunno, Valve has never kept a release date (Steam got delayed like 3 days, and now HL2 is delayed indefinitely), so I have a hard time believing the benchmark will be out tomorrow. It'd be a nice surprise, but for now I'm just going to assume it's not gonna happen.
mmm, denial. :)

[EDIT] - I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be out tommorow. I mean, a lot of hardware websites had a working version of it a couple of weeks ago. I can't see why it won't be released.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
The attitude of this place makes it seem that the benchmark is not wanted.;)

no i'm just shattering my own hopes before doug lombardi gets to me
Originally posted by KagePrototype
mmm, denial. :)

[EDIT] - I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be out tommorow. I mean, a lot of hardware websites had a working version of it a couple of weeks ago. I can't see why it won't be released.

the hardware sites got to use it at an ati event, using it on ati provided hardware....

and at the time (the fixed) AA wasn't incorporated into the benchmark, so who knows what else they needed to do to it.
Delayed indefinitely? Hardly. Slating it for a holiday release is a quite definite time frame. Even if they release it on Christmas Eve, it's not like they were crazy-nuts off the mark for the release date. Given the five year development cycle, and just counting days, it's only about a 5% variance.

Jesus, people. It's a game. Go rent a few movies or something.

And yes, for the record, I'm terribly excited about HL2, I just realise that, in the grand scheme of things, my life won't be ruined because I ended up having to potentially wait twelve more weeks for it.

Edit: Back on-topic, the last thing I remember hearing about the benchmark is that it'd be in-box with the game itself, which sounds couterproductive for its usefulness as a see-if-your-PC-can-handle-the-game test, but whatever.
Originally posted by Ghoti

Edit: Back on-topic, the last thing I remember hearing about the benchmark is that it'd be in-box with the game itself, which sounds couterproductive for its usefulness as a see-if-your-PC-can-handle-the-game test, but whatever.

Its true. Hopefully it does come out tommorow so I can have something to oggle at and fool around with, but if not meh... I'll just spend some more time studying for my midterms.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
The attitude of this place makes it seem that the benchmark is not wanted.;)

no actually its called no faith in valve
well, they said they were releasing the benchmark to hardware and press sites on the 30th, not the the general public....keep an eye on those bittorrent sites :)
Pessimism gets you nowhere!!! Optimism are better... I voted yes.. but its a unsure yes =P .



Hopefully yes, but I'm beginning to get some doubts.
i for one, am actually not too excited. i mean... its just those bink videos but in real time rendering. big deal, now i can see how slow my computer is, but eh, i guess its better than nothing, right?
Originally posted by _-_-SELAS-_-_
Pessimism gets you nowhere!!! Optimism are better... I voted yes.. but its a unsure yes =P .




Optimism, the excuse for lack of exciting imagination.

A. Sunny day with birds....


B. Meteor hurling at the Earth while Aliens invade!!!!! We're doomed!!! ;)
Indeed any HL² stuff makes my day just a lil better... Unless its juicy... then it makes my day alot better :D
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
Optimism, the excuse for lack of exciting imagination.

A. Sunny day with birds....


B. Meteor hurling at the Earth while Aliens invade!!!!! We're doomed!!! ;)
Its true.. I have nothing interesting to say about the benchies, I have no imagination =P anyways... Ignorance is bliss.
Yes, but only to hardware sites, gaming magazines, etc...

Here's to hoping for a leaked benchmark demo :cheers:
It'll be released, the software isn't as such something people will have any good basis to bitch about, it's free just like steam.
With the output bink file out some time ago I'd hazard a guess of them releasing it.
I still believe hl2 will be released quite early over steam.
Originally posted by d8cam
no actually its called no faith in valve

exactly. itd be a nice surprise, but did we ever get anything on Valve's release dates? when half life 1 was delayed, did we get anything on the original release date? no. and my guess is that the same will happen with HL2. yes, very pessimistc...but it seems that anyone who puts complete faith in valve's word comes out disapointed.
[SARCASM]I stop caring when it was officially delayed. Why should I bitch off the game when I can play my Halo right now. Long live Bungie!!!!!!!!!!![/SARCASM]

Benchmark would be nice....but I don't really care. I mean seriously, Halo comes out tomorrow.
They wouldn't bother now unless they wanted to take the opportunity to test Steam.
its not that we are definitely NOT going to get it tommorow, because i talked to greg and he said that ther talking about it today, still deciding, dont know if that will give anyone hope...
guys, I wish the benchmark came out tmr. You want to know why that isnt the case? Because they didnt stress the steam network with the release of some new media this week.why do you think they havent release those media yet else? just to do a massive test of steam....
I work for Vulva and I promise you a Benchmarking tool tomorrow. I promise.
Now would be a good time to release the benchmark. It gives us something to make up for the game being delayed ;( but also lets us see if, and how much, we have to upgrade for this game.
The odds are, either your chunky penis gets cut off or the benchmark gets released. Now, how did they teach us to do probability in 5th grade...?

ATI: 60fps (dx9, 1600x1200)
Nvidia: 40fps (dx9 1600x1200)
Nvidia: 60fps (dx8 1600x1200)
Xbox: 2.5fps (dx3 640xWhoGivesAFrickingCrap)
Originally posted by phantomdesign

ATI: 60fps (dx9, 1600x1200)
Nvidia: 40fps (dx9 1600x1200)
Nvidia: 60fps (dx8 1600x1200)
Xbox: 2.5fps (dx3 640xWhoGivesAFrickingCrap)
Valve said it would be out tomorrow. That should tell everyone that if there's one day it won't be out, it's tomorrow. :(
Originally posted by SpaceRain
Valve said it would be out tomorrow. That should tell everyone that if there's one day it won't be out, it's tomorrow. :(
lol so true
Originally posted by SpaceRain
Valve said it would be out tomorrow. That should tell everyone that if there's one day it won't be out, it's tomorrow. :(

I feel the same way. I don't think we will be getting anything tomorrow.