Best Action scene in a movie ....

When he threw that stick at the jeep I lost it. And the explosions at the end? I don't think anything can beat that stern. my best Darth Vader voice, "I want that horse."
Damn you ZT. I was about to post that, I even youtubed it when I read the thread title.
He's only posted this exactly same video like five times previously.

really? I've never seen the video in the OP before. perhaps you'd like to link to where I posted it? you seem to have a knack for tracking my every movement. I'm getting on in years so my memory tends to fail me ..that or it's alzheimers cuz I'm OLD. or a brain tumor.

in any event I purpose a solution to the problem of OLD. a FINAL solution.

they could also do that with fat but it might be tricky as they wont float as well cuz they're fat
Reminds me of Jet Li in Fist of Legend, where in the first fight he breaks some guy's arm in like five places.
really? I've never seen the video in the OP before. perhaps you'd like to link to where I posted it? you seem to have a knack for tracking my every movement. I'm getting on in years so my memory tends to fail me ..that or it's alzheimers cuz I'm OLD. or a brain tumor.

in any event I purpose a solution to the problem of OLD. a FINAL solution.

Yeah... see... no. It's not about tracking your every movement, it's about having a good memory about tiny insignificant things, which I often do quite well with.

I just know that you've posted the "ridiculous horse sliding under the truck" video in the past before... at least once. My exaggeration that you've posted it five or more times is simply a joke.

The prospect of looking through nearly 40,000 posts is a difficult one. That doesn't make what I said false.
I'd like to corroborate Raz, you've posted the video before.
Yeah... see... no. It's not about tracking your every movement, it's about having a good memory about tiny insignificant things, which I often do quite well with.

I just know that you've posted the "ridiculous horse sliding under the truck" video in the past before... at least once. My exaggeration that you've posted it five or more times is simply a joke.

The prospect of looking through nearly 40,000 posts is a difficult one. That doesn't make what I said false.

oh but come on, someone has to do it. I mean I'm the most prolific poster here surely someone should be tracking my every movement, for prosperity's sake that is. why cant it be you? I mean it's not like you have anything better ... I'M JOKING!!!

"I'm joking" must be like confession to catholics; a catchall safety net to wipe away all responsibility

"oh it's ok if I murder this person so long as I confess later on"

no need to respond to this part I'm just musing to myself writing it down in a public forum where your mother is still FAT
Dude, that'd be a kickass way to end an action scene. Like a guy goes on a rampage shooting the hell out of people and chopping them up with swords and doing kung fu and there's car chases and explosions and your pupils are dilating as they try to process all the 500mph action going on and then there's a pan shot of all this destruction in the guy's wake and the camera focuses in on him and he's like,

"Just kidding."