best actor ever.


Jun 16, 2006
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for me, it is marlon brando, robert deniro,anthony hopkins,al pacino,and james stewart to name a few. who do you guys think is the best?

edit: wrong section sorry. mods, please move this.
Robert DeNiro- He was in Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, and every awesome Scorsese movie, pretty much. Plus, he's just a likeable guy.

Brad Pitt- Fight Club, Snatch, 12 Monkeys, Se7en, nuff said.
Did you guys see that film last night with Denzil Washington in? He's good isn't he? But he's not my favourite actor. My favourite actor is Sir Sidney Poitier.
My favorite actors are Johnny Depp and Matt Damon. Both remarkably talented and underrated imho.
Keanu Reeves ftmfw. He's such a bad ass.


Or possibly Steven Seagal...

Morgan Freeman is damnably good when he wants to be.

But realistically speaking, De Niro or Pacino FTW.

Johnny Depp. Although I think it's silly to call him the best actor ever. He's just the one that's impressed me the most over the years.

And, come on.


Ice Cube or Nicolas Cage would be my favorite actor.
I'll go to any lengths to see a Denzel Washington or Kevin Spacey film.
Win: Tom Hanks, by 2 and a half lengths.

Place: Harrison Ford

Show: Ed Harris
i am kicking myself for forgetting to add gene hackman or sidney potier.
Paul Newman probably. But there again, that's only an opinion.
Probably Kevin Spacey

But man he has disgraced himself in more recent years with the likes of K-Pax, Superman etc. Even if he has acted well he has ended up in some very poor films.
Al Pacino

Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too ****in' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place!
Al Pacino

Couldn't agree more. I watched Carlito's Way recently and I would say I like this more than Scarface.

Speaking of good actors, what do you guys think of up and coming acotrs?

Out of the bunch I do not see any De Niros or Pacinos, it's not looking good.
Bruce Campbell.


If you can;t understand why, then you've never seen the Evil Dead trilogy, and you need to, now.
edit: Oh, and he's also a helluva comedic author.
Sean Connery can be good sometimes so is The guy who plays Saruman and Dooku... Christopher Lee i think
But man he has disgraced himself in more recent years with the likes of K-Pax, Superman etc. Even if he has acted well he has ended up in some very poor films.

Superman was great, and he was awesome in it, K-Pax I haven't seen. But his range has been fairly broad and convincing which is why I like him so much.
But man he has disgraced himself in more recent years with the likes of K-Pax, Superman etc. Even if he has acted well he has ended up in some very poor films.
What the hell is wrong with K-Pax? I thought it was a thought-provoking, excellent film.
What the hell is wrong with K-Pax? I thought it was a thought-provoking, excellent film.

I totally agree. Great actor, and he seems to have lots of fun in the new superman film.

I personally love bruce willis. He's cliche, and pretty much plays the same roles all the time (alcoholic ex cop gets thrown back in the game), but he's seriously fun to watch.

Marlon brando is obligatory to mention

I really like christian bale too, very powerful actor and has a weird personality (when asked what he'd bring on a desert island he answered 'horse pee'. he loves the smell of it)

I also like Dennis quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal (despite him being a girl idol), johnny depp (him too), arnold schwarzenegger (best one liners in history) and jackie chan (might have dropped a few notches nowadays but he's done some of the coolest films ever).
I couldn't say who the best actor is, but I've always liked William Dafoe. I thought he was great as the Green Goblin, and I love him as Elias in Platoon. He's one of those people that when I see in a film I just think 'Yes!', like when he appeared as the cop sgt. in Inside Man, and I saw in the FilmFour adverts the other day, although his hair looked odd.

Another is that guy thats always in every action film. Not very specific, I know, but I can't remember his name. He plays one of the members of the Delta team in Black Hawk Down, the team leader of one of the shuttles in Armageddon and the alien-cop in the recent TV series Invasion. I'm pretty sure he's in Independance Day, maybe? Damnit, he's in loads, I just can't remember much of what he appears in. But either way, he's awesome in Black Hawk Down.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Bruce Willis. Also, Mel Gibson and Pete Postlethwaite (sp?) who was also awesome in The Lost World as the T-Rex hunter.
Another is that guy thats always in every action film. Not very specific, I know, but I can't remember his name. He plays one of the members of the Delta team in Black Hawk Down, the team leader of one of the shuttles in Armageddon and the alien-cop in the recent TV series Invasion. I'm pretty sure he's in Independance Day, maybe? Damnit, he's in loads, I just can't remember much of what he appears in. But either way, he's awesome in Black Hawk Down.
William Fichtner, and I agree he's a really good actor. He also gets bonus points for being in Equilibrium, natch.

Edit: Heh, I just read that he voiced Ken Rosenberg in GTA: Vice City. Extra bonus points.
He was in Equilibrium? Damn, I watched that film recently (was great) and I never noticed him. But speaking of Equilibrium, another great actor is Sean Bean. He was brilliant as 006 in Goldeneye, and as Boromir in LOTR, too.
Samuel L. Jackson, mostly for pulp fiction but he has his moments
All of my favourites have been mentioned - Depp, Denzel Washington, Kevin Spacey, etc etc. I'm strangely fond of Nicholas Cage too. Also, I don't think Gary Oldman has been mentioned so far.
And, come on.


If you're going to mention Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, let's also hear some love for Benicio Del Torro! What an excellent actor.
Speaking of good actors, what do you guys think of up and coming actors?

Out of the bunch I do not see any De Niros or Pacinos, it's not looking good.
Keep an eye out for a British actor called Paddy Considine. His acting history only goes back a few years but he's already been in some great movies and put in some stellar performances. Unfortunately he seems happy to keep settling for tiny roles in Britcoms and Steve Coogan movies. Nothing particularly wrong with those but Considine is far better than that.
Coen Brothers movies are my faves, and most of my fave actors appear in at least a couple.

John Turturro is on top - particularly in Barton Fink, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Miller's Crossing, and his mini role The Big Lebowski. Infact I like everything he's been in.

Steve Steve Buscemi (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and a million cameos) and John Goodman (Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski, Miller's Crossing, O Brother, Where Art Thou?) follow closely.

William Dafoe
Tom Hanks
Jean Reno

'tis all.