Best and worst weatherman ever!

Oh man Ive seen that worst weatherman one before, its for some College thing IIRC. Its just painful to watch, makes me cringe so much.

EDIT: Hahaha that best weatherman is hilarious!
Why did they pick him, or did he volunteer?
Poor guy :(

I am too sad to watch the best weatherman one :(
Maybe they go through everyone in the campus (Or whatever, dont know much about American schools/colleges) and they have to do it once each? Media course perhaps?
Awww that poor guy ;(, I really feel sorry for that crappy one :P
How can he be the best weatherman when he does everything apart from actually say the weather.
The best one video doesn't work, as for the worst one, there's not much else to say but.. ;(
CrazyHarij said:
The best one video doesn't work, as for the worst one, there's not much else to say but.. ;(

I had the same problem with the bestone video when i tried to open it with Firefox, just use Internet Explorer, much more friendly and compatible ;).
Razor said:
I had the same problem with the bestone video when i tried to open it with Firefox, just use Internet Explorer, much more friendly and compatible ;).

*Shoots that bloody rabbit in face* ;)
Wish their was more weathermen like the one in the best vid.
Felt sorry for the worse one.

Loved the best one.

Loved the chicks on the site for the best one even more.
Man. That's truely a bummer. I feel bad for that one guy in the worse one. It's just so awful!

Despite is ineptness, the least the crew could have done was to stop filming! lol

Watching the Best one now.

EDIT: Still waiting for it to load. LOL, those chicks are pressing their breasts together? What kind of site is this? haha.

EDIT 2: Damnit, Best one won't freaking load!
The best one is awsome! Why can't my local stations have him?!
Omfg, I would Tivo the weather every night if I had that best weatherman.
But he's from Fox. You all Hate fox! :-P Well, a fox affiliate anyways. heh.