Best bittorent client app?


Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
I've never used it before which one works best and fastest?

and do I just leave the ports at 6881 - 6889, not changing anything else such as the protocol type? Do I have to change these ports for diffrent bittorrent apps?
I would have said utorrent, but recently it's caused my internet connection to effectively die when using it. Not good.
I use azureus and it's a pretty good bet. Cute frog as well.
µTorrent. Only client that allows me to download with full speeds.
Nothin but Azureus here.
1,000,000 user DHT ftw!

And you probably want to change your port number to something over 40000, since alot of ISPs are blocking the lower end of port numbers now-a-days.
I use BitComet. Azereus is good though too.
I used to use Utorrent, but Utorrent just licensed their technology to a company that is known to work in Anti-P2P stuff.....and it destroys my internet connection for some reason too....
is torrents for users with really fast internet like T1? cuz my download speeds are like 2 kb/s
I use Shareaza, nice interface whenever, no spyware or adware. Whenever I use this vs azuerus\utorrent Shareaza always pulls out with the fastest dl speed.
BitComet's the only one that seems to get through all my school's firewalling and blocking stuff, so that's what I use.
ABC, you can do like, anything with this and it's really fast.
hungryduck said:
I used to use Utorrent, but Utorrent just licensed their technology to a company that is known to work in Anti-P2P stuff.....and it destroys my internet connection for some reason too....

supposidly not

hasn't messed with my connection that I can tell

(double post lawl)
Your avatar is going to give me a seizure, I can't stop staring at it!!
decided to give utorrent another try and this time it's actually working very well, i might change over from azureus full time if more torrents work nicely.