Best Buy pre-order program content!


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Pre-Order now and you can get,
For a limited time, when you pre-order Battlefield 2142 for PC, you'll get a free bonus pack featuring a dog tag-style USB flash drive with Crysis and Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars content, a Best Buy exclusive machine gun download, and $40 in mail-in rebate coupons for Logitech accessories.
Act now or else you won't get this gun that points can't unlock:
As quoted in Sterns topic, "the coffin has so many nails in it now that its mostly metal and not wood from all the nails". ;)
It's a nice machine gun... We can get that over here in the UK from gameplay i think. Well you get some kind of exclusive gun, but its not worth the extra 8 quid when i can get the game for £20 at pcworld :P
I ****ing hate EA/Dice.
So I could get a 64MB cool dog tag, pretty Crysis stuff, and discounts on a new mouse for $10 dollars? Awesome.

Oh I guess the game could be fun too. Is Battlefield 2142 supposed to be good? I haven't looked into it yet.
Couldn't you preorder the game, and then just never pay it off?
So I could get a 64MB cool dog tag, pretty Crysis stuff, and discounts on a new mouse for $10 dollars? Awesome.

Oh I guess the game could be fun too. Is Battlefield 2142 supposed to be good? I haven't looked into it yet.
Wrong. Do not buy BF2142 nor BF2 because it will be the buggiest game you will ever play. Just check out the fan forums to find out the history of Dice. ;)