Best cinematic space battle?


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I vote Return of the Jedi. I don't see why/how in over 20 years of movies since then it hasn't been topped. You'd think with the fancy CGI that is possible these days we would've seen a better space battle by now. C'mon movie studios! I want my space battles!
DarkStar said:
I vote Return of the Jedi.
is there even any comparison out there? i can't think of one myself.. part of the problem is that it's so good that the bar has been set too high and other movie makers don't want to seem derivative (that'll wear-off in time though, i guess). but in all honesty, pretty much any huge space battle is going to be derivative of RotJs.
kewl, old skool ;). if I had to vote on a modern day cinematic, it would have to be Battlestar Galactica 2003, the cinematics ruled. flak instead of laser fire, and origional camera movement made it feel like a televised homeworld battle :D, the main battle was one of the only space battles ive seen in the last 3 years that actually got me exited :) .

Star wars battles were awsome, but today there a little bland. but back in the day they where teh best around. :cool:
Id have to agree with you darkstar.

Modern CG space battles just look like garbage compared to the oldschool scale models.

I always think of babalyon 5 and how the models and textures look like they were done by 13 year olds.
Most defintly I would have to go with RotJ for the best classic movie space battle...

Modern days, as much as I hate to say it alot of the star trek movies/tv shows space battles seem to carry the most weight, especially the shows Voyager and Enterprise, and for movies Nemisis. Startrek along with Battlestar Galactica, and Babylon 5 seem to carry the best as far as Gui's and originality go, not to mention some of startrek enterprise seem to follow more of a realistic path, just me but a partical weapon seems to be more down to earth than a laser blaster thats strong enough to do dmg...

Tho as far as classics go RotJ all the way!
Well, it looks like we have to have a competition of who can make the best space battle when HalfLife2 and the SDK comes out. Scripted Sequences, cameras, model making
Can just about anyone get the SDK?

Or do you have to register, go to there conferences, etc. . .

And will something like worldcraft ship with hl 2?
Hmmm. proberly gundam or some or the action from orgun. They are plenty of good anime actions space battles. Its actually very hard to choose.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Can just about anyone get the SDK?

Or do you have to register, go to there conferences, etc. . .

And will something like worldcraft ship with hl 2?
The SDK will be completely free, and will come with all the tools needed to make a mod including Hammer (Previously known as worldcraft).

On topic: Sometimes I watch RotJ just for that battle, its still the most amazing and intense space battle I have ever seen (unfortunately).
Some Starship troopers battles were pretty cool. (Like the one where the hold that base against the antlion thingies.)
There have never been any real space battles :P

Na its all about star ship troopers, and there was one really cool episode of Deep Space 9 with some uber space battle. very cool :D

oh oh oh and gundam wing!
Macross Zero had some cool battles

same with Gundam Seed

Return of the Jedi was awesome too.
clarky003 said:
kewl, old skool ;). if I had to vote on a modern day cinematic, it would have to be Battlestar Galactica 2003, the cinematics ruled. flak instead of laser fire, and origional camera movement made it feel like a televised homeworld battle :D, the main battle was one of the only space battles ive seen in the last 3 years that actually got me exited :) .

Star wars battles were awsome, but today there a little bland. but back in the day they where teh best around. :cool:
I to would say Battle Star Galatica 2003 space battles....very orignal and actually realistic!
ROTJ, without a doubt! But I'm looking forward to Episode III, and don't you ****ing spoil anything or I'll chop your heads off!
Does games count too? if they do I definetly choose Homeworld!!! Wow those battles are amazing !

If not then yeah, Id say return of the jedi i think... hmm...
ROTJ all the way.
Deep space nine has severial shows where they had a full hour of space combar. Two three shows had the most combat. I cant remember there names but one was the klingons where attacking the station and they installed the new phaser and Photon launchers, The next one was where a 1000 plus federation ship had to blast through a dominion blockade. And I think it was the last episode where the federation took out the cardassian,dominion and bring defence force (cardassian crusers, Dominion whaterver ships, Bring ??? ships that use EMPs and the planitary laser platforms) A nice long fight but not quite as good as ROTJ.
ANYTHING from the Babylon 5 TV series.

Big cap ships, hundereds of fighters, all using newtonian physics...oh man it's SWEET.

the non-use of newtonian physics in SW and ST (Sans Enterprise) is the only reason all their space battles are non-memorable.
Return Of The Jedi.

I do wish that Star Trek had far more realistic space battles in, rather than the rubbish of 1 ship shooting at another one.
A2597 said:
ANYTHING from the Babylon 5 TV series.

Big cap ships, hundereds of fighters, all using newtonian physics...oh man it's SWEET.

the non-use of newtonian physics in SW and ST (Sans Enterprise) is the only reason all their space battles are non-memorable.

Why does everyone always think that Newtonian physics are the way to go, Newtonian physics would be awful when controlling space ships, so in the future, we would of probably made a device that bypasses Newtonian physics.
Babylon 5, if only they had updated the models and stuff....Oh and the recordings i made in Homeworld :D

Return of the Jedi was alright, but to be honest CGI can look very good now and it does. However, i think people don't ofetn replicate that kind of thing because thats exactly what they will be accused of...ripping off Star Wars.

Razor...Its dificult to just ignore physics. Sure maybe in the future we might build devices that help us get around the difficulties but they don't normally exist in these programs. Closest thing is the Inertial Dampner idea.
Razor said:
Why does everyone always think that Newtonian physics are the way to go, Newtonian physics would be awful when controlling space ships, so in the future, we would of probably made a device that bypasses Newtonian physics.

if you think about it, for fighting newtonian physics is the ONLY way to go for a space battle. You can execute maneuvers that are impossible otherwise.

here, for an example of WHY space combat would be best with newtonian physics (aka, REAL LIFE physics), watch this small rendered vid.
head here: and download "trailer A" and/or Shadow Threat. Trailer A shows off the space combat of the fighters. Lets see THAT happen with inertial dampeners (Bah, there's sci fi for you. Gravemetric drives are more likely)