Best Cop Drama on TV right now?


Jun 16, 2006
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I would say The Shield. I have also heard The Wire is pretty good, but i don't have HBO, so idk. What do you guys think?
Couldn't say about shows now - I wasn't really aware of any, but Hill Street Blues was the f**kin' daddy of cop dramas. Love that show.
There's no freaking question....THE WIRE. Not only is it the best cop show on right now, it's the best show i have ever seen.

Over it's 4 seasons it has logically and intelligently examined Baltimore's Drug trade/Police system from every angle including Street cops, Lieutenant's Sargent's, detectives, politicians, Lawyers, Kingpins, Traffickers, corner dealers, soldiers and Children growing up in poverty/school systems etc etc etc. next season it will also be focusing on the media. No other show even compares.

I can't wait for season 5!
The Wire sounds awesome. To Wikipedia!
American cop shows - too many to count.

As far as UK TV goes, Life on Mars wins hands down. Gene Hunt is a ****ing badass.