Best desktop wallpaper site?


Sep 23, 2003
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Im looking to put up a fancy new wallpaper but all the sites I can find are the ones you get from advertisements that have spyware all over them. anyone have any suggestions for a pretty good site?
What kind of wallpaper are you looking for in particular?
Cool looking ones. Sort of like not with people really but like computer graphic generated or fancy photoshop work. or watch out with this one though because there is a bootload of spyware lol, just dont click ok to anything
how bout ********** as your desktop? Just google desktop wallpaper..
thanks for the response everyone. I found a few good ones. MarcoPollo, if you bothered to read my posts- all the google ones I found where from those gay pop-up ads you could find on anysites and they were dumb kiddish wallpapers. They would be exe files to with spyware in em.
Please enlighten us on which ones you have chosen. :)
deviantart IS way too emo I agree shens :D

glenn, I <3 digital blasphemy.
Pauly said:
thanks for the response everyone. I found a few good ones. MarcoPollo, if you bothered to read my posts- all the google ones I found where from those gay pop-up ads you could find on anysites and they were dumb kiddish wallpapers. They would be exe files to with spyware in em.

meh I couldn't be arsed to read a post longer than 4 lines, But I ment go to images when u serached and clikced on an image you liked and just right click, set as wallpaper.