Best Game Soundtracks 2014


Party Escort Bot
Aug 9, 2013
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I made a collection of my favorite soundtracks from 2014. This is not a top ten or something like that, just want ot celebrate last year´s soundtracks. Tell me what your favorites are!

Welp, I was pleasantly surpised by Child of Light's as well as Wolfenstein's soundtracks, plus Transistor's was actually a no brainer, as Bastion's OST was marvelous... but I do have a difficulty choosing now which one is the best :p

As for OSTs that weren't in this list, this is my top 5 6 favourites from 2014 :

6#The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth -

Altrough it's not as good as the first one's, it's still ...okay ? I don't really know what to write about this one, I should like it more, but... it's just okay. The gameplay certainly is much more enjoyable now, the bosses are fun and Isaac is as adorable as always... but the soundtrack... it could have been soo much better ;w; Don't get me wrong, I like it and I'll listen to it quite often, but I can't hide my dissapointment anymore, thus it lands on the last spot.

5#This War of Mine -

Kudos to 11bit studios, Anomaly series was pretty fun, but this just blew my mind on how it represents events during the Siege of Sarajevo. ( BTW, fun fact - the war in this game actually isn't a fictional one... okay it kinda is, but you get the point :p ). It's a shame it's a ( terribly ) short OST and radio songs doesn't make it any longer, unfortunately :( I like that they tried to have this The Last of Us feel, but tbh this time I prefered more quiet sound than that more brutal from TloU, which I play while reading some post-apo stories. Another piece to my collection of such music. :D

4# Broken Age act I -

It was not as good as we all wanted it to be, but it's still nice to listen to, at least IMO. Many people don't like that "whimsical" or more "childish" sounding music, but I somehow really like some of these. Also, isn't that Double Fine's speciality when it comes to soundtracks ? ( Costume Quest or Psychonauts, anyone ? ) Music from their games always bring me back warm memories from when I was just a small kid. Anyway, althrough not as impressing as the rest on this list, it's still great.

BTW, My favourite track is on 13:01 :)

3# Outlast - ( it's kinda cheating, I know, but I am also including Whistleblower DLC that came out this year )

The main theme... the.. main.. theme... oh how I love it ! When it comes to Horror video games OSTs I am always sceptical, as ... well, they tend to kind of... suck. Outlast while being a great game, that had much more potential to make it one of the best horror games ever, that somehow got wasted, has a pretty terrifying soundtrack, sometimes reminding me of Bioshock ones. ( inspiration ? ) Much of it is either hit or miss, depending on your tastes. I'd say, perhaps try it out, but I really like it, even when it kinda rips off Bioshock's soundtracks.

Whistleblower -

BTW Eddie still awaits his bride, he he...

2#The Wolf Among Us -

Aaah the atmosphere ! Seriously give it a try guys ! It's my favourite Telltale soundtrack this year. I am in love with the deconstruction genre, no matter where it is - in anime, TV shows, books, games and etc. TWAU and Fables are obviously going to be one of my favs for a long time, and I hope we'll see season 2 announced in 2015 or 2016. :)

My recommendation : skip right into 6:54 :)


Not only one of the best Indie games this year, but also a fantastic expeirence !. ... shame it's not any longer and that the puzzles weren't more difficult. ;/ Iit's not that great of a game, but it's still pretty good. I wish more people would know about this game, tho. It's worth playing even when you think it's boring ! ( any "wallpaper hunters" here ? :D ) The full, FULL soundtrack is about 3 hours long, so I'm posting here a shorter ( "official" ) version. It's really mysterious and beautiful at the same time.

It's by far my favourite OST of 2014, and I highly recommend listening to it.

In general, I think it wasn't the best year for video games soundtracks, but it definetely wasn't a bad one either. As you might have noticed, everything starts to sound similar to something in one way or another, it's that or I really like other OSTs so much that I'm unconsciousnessly looking for something like them xD It had it's hits and misses, but I really hope that 2015 will give me much more to listen to.

And now I'm going back to watching Freeman's Mind's last episodes, because I'm ashamed that despite claiming to be a huge HL fan, ......Istilldon'tknowalloftheclassicmachinimas ;w;
I hate the new Binding of Isaac music and I was shocked when I saw that they replaced the Satan Theme, which was my favorite from the original, with something much worse.
And btw the tracks in my video are not in order.
Agreed on This War of Mine, and Wolf Among Us. The music definitely set the mood brilliantly for those games. I can't even think of another game I played where the music was good enough to cause me to recognize it.
Although my favorite soundtrack isn't officially released, mine is BattleBlock Theater's. Just pure awesomeness...
You kind of listed all of my favorites this year, so I can't add any games to the list. But if anything, I could list this one, which is one of the (unfinished) game soundtracks I listened to a lot this year.

This is basically a collection of some of their songs that will be used ingame

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Offtopic-ing a little;

Ah, Van Buren.
So much anticipation... to my knowledge, 2003 was a daark year for gaming.

But I'm happy someone has taken Fallout to their hands, even when it's just a demake mod. ( it honestly looks pretty awesome, btw. ) Bethesda does nothing except for giving us hope that MAYBE F4 will be announced... someday. ;w;
... Guys... we forgot about one game and one soundtrack...

Dreamfall Chapters.... I can't believe I actually forgot about it...

( This is unfortunately not a part of the official OST :( )


I really like it, especially tracks from Zoe's ( The main character's ) part of the game. I know it sounds weird, but the game tries to tell two stories that are tightly connected to eachother, of two characters who are present in different world- , it's pretty hard to me to describe it to you right now. It makes MUCH more sense when you know this series, trust me. I'll just mix it all up, because there are a lot of things to tell, but I'll actually will be spoiling the entire story, because you can't say or write about it without spoilers because they are very important even when you just want to... you know what ? Even describing it is too complicated. :grumpy: Buut it's actually what I really like about The Longest Journey/Dreamfall series. ( see ? you can't even name the series easily )

It's not the best, but I really, REALLY like most of the tracks you can find here. I'm sure there are more gems like this, but this is the one I want people to know about the most. Give it a try, it's pretty nice.

PS : Blood tests + fear of needles = a disaster and weird looks. Oh how I hate them.
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