Best keylogger detector?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Well, I have a friend who was being watched like a hawk on her old computer, and she doesn't know if she has a keylogger installed on her new PC. I'm looking for an easy to use program that doesn't require much *if any* computer knowledge to get it to work. Any information on this would be great. I tried googling "Keylogger detector" and I keep getting programs that either tell it to go to safe mode, or close specific programs, etc....she's really not computer savvy at all, so you see the conundrum.
Huh? Why would she want a keylogger if shes already being watched?
she wants a keylogger detector not a keylogger.
dont most antivirus softwares detect stuff like this ?.
and why is she being watched :S ?
Oh. Well the whole point of a keylogger is to log keys while the user doesnt realize the software is there. Good commercial ones cant be found by virus or spyware scanners, and its slightly difficult for even a adept computer user to find and remove.

Best advice is to stop doing stupid crap with your computer woman!

EDIT: quick google search =
Oh. Well the whole point of a keylogger is to log keys while the user doesnt realize the software is there. Good commercial ones cant be found by virus or spyware scanners, and its slightly difficult for even a adept computer user to find and remove.

Best advice is to stop doing stupid crap with your computer woman!

EDIT: quick google search =

Well, the reason she is being watched is because daddy is a nut. Essentially, she's sick of him logging into her myspace/MSN and reading convos.

And I'll tell her to use the Adaware to just see, but I really doubt it will find it. Most KLs aren't detected by Anti-Virus as well...unless it's the cheap ones that don't work :P
Step 1: Install Ubuntu with windows theme
Step 2: Lie and tell her it's a new safer version of windows.
Step 3: Profit!

With ubuntu she won't get spyware, adware, keyloggers, virus, etc
Step 1: Install Ubuntu with windows theme
Step 2: Lie and tell her it's a new safer version of windows.
Step 3: Profit!

With ubuntu she won't get spyware, adware, keyloggers, virus, etc

Until she realized every program she wants to use doesn't work. :p
Until she realized every program she wants to use doesn't work. :p

Hence the profit!

Actually if she doesn't game, everything works perfectly. Firefox and Open Office come pre-installed along with a bunch of simple games like windows does. Comes with AIM too. If she wants to install msn or w/e she just goes to add/remove programs and its already there for her to install.

But ya, it's definitely not the simplest solution. Pirate Norton for her and clean her system up

Or get a traffic sniffer and find out whether or not she really has a keylogger, if not, then problem solved

Both of those are pretty complicated too though. Removing malware isnt usually too easy
Step 1: Install Ubuntu with windows theme
Step 2: Lie and tell her it's a new safer version of windows.
Step 3: Profit!

With ubuntu she won't get spyware, adware, keyloggers, virus, etc

Haha, Ubuntu I found a disc for in my brother's bedroom once. I was going to take it but I didn't.
Why would you want her to detect it? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?

... Oh.

......... Oooooooooooooooooooooh.
The only way you could really detect a keylogger is if you placed a kernal hook, ment to detect kernal hooks. A keylogger is done by placing a hook into the kernal. The hook tells the kernal to do "X function" whenever a key is pressed.

Of course you could take the cheat route and detect for certain files on the computer.

Personally though, i've written my own home keylogger to monitor my own needs.

Tell your friend to download hijackthis. It can give a log of all the files running on the computer, have them copy and paste that log on here. Then we can simply look for a file that looks suspicious in that log.
Well, the reason she is being watched is because daddy is a nut. Essentially, she's sick of him logging into her myspace/MSN and reading convos.
That's some ****ed up shit right there.

Afraid I have no advice, I find Firefox + AntiVirus + Firewall means that none of that stuff gets in so I've never had to worry about removing it :(
i think ubuntu might be her best option she doesnt even have to install she can just run it as a live cd when she needs to chat or browse the net.
That sounds like an excellent suggestion - it really depends upon how the keylogger works though.
Maybe she should stop doing things daddy tells her not to.

And start doing things daddy likes.

Tell her to visit, choose the one anti-keylogger that is on the top and forget about keyloggers))))
Scriptblocker for mozilla is always useful to avoid downloading things.

EDIT: Waidaminute!