Best Legend of Zelda game?

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The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
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I'm just wondering which one everyone prefers. Prior to today, I felt that Ocarina of Time was the best, but I decided that, since I own a '64 but my controllers are busted (it's legal :P), I'd go and get an emulator and download the Zelda titles for that system. I got bored of Ocarina of Time after a good 15 minutes, but when I loaded up Majora's Mask, I couldn't stop playing.

I haven't played either game in over five years, but I'll be damned if they aren't two of the best games I've ever played in my life.

In fact, the only reason I'm posting this now is because my room is freezing, and I was going to go downstairs and warm up my hands for a few minutes anyway.
As much as I love other Zelda games, it has to be OoT.
I'll go with Links Awaking because it was my first and so it was more special and original ^_^
A Link to the Past is not only the best Zelda game, but the best game of all time. Ocarina of Time was pretty good too, but Majora's Mask was pretty terrible.
Ocarina of Time.

God I remember the hype before this game was released. When I first stepped out into Hyrule field I was amazed. Really I was. And when I didn't make it to the castle before the bridge went up and the skeltons came out of the ground I screamed.

SO MANY good memories of this game. Love it.
Majora's Mask. Ocarina seems to have aged more than Majora. And Majora still feels gloriously different. Mind you... I think Ocarina of Time is a better game. If that makes sense.
I'm afraid there's no where for you to run to. Zelda fans are everywhere :)

Well... *kicks the dirt* ...that suc-*a sword is thrown into his chest, he gets pinned to a wall*....x.x
Ach, I can't say. It's between OOT, Majoras and WW. Never liked the others, but I'm not a fan of 2D games. Maybe it's cuz I never experienced them when they came out, but whatever. Not for me.

OOT just straight-up blew my mind because it was my first real gaming experience. I'd fought my way through Goldeneye but this was a completly new thing to me. As soon as I stepped onto Hyrule field, walking up the cobbled path to the top of the ridge and seeing the sun slowly setting behind the walls and towers of Hyrule Castle/Market/Town, the flowing river and the vast amounts of rocks, trees and other things I just knew that this was major. I knew right up from then that this was going to be damned brilliant. Actually, the next thing I knew was that a large amount of skeletons were rising up and after that it was a straight run back to the safety of Kokiri Forest. I nearly broke the thumbstick with the amount of pressue I applied to get the hell out of there. But yes, I did love every second of it.

Majoras Mask was probably what got me most because it involved so much more than the standard 'get equipment, go to dungeon, fight boss'; there was just so much to do. Termina offered so many stories - like stopping the robber rob the old bomb lady at 1 in the morning on the second day... or let her be robbed? Delivering the letters for Anjali, stopping the aliens from attacking the rance, securing the Milk Route for the wagon, helping the wounded soldier out, the Ikana Canyon curse. Man, I just freakin' loved it. All of it. Except the first dungeon, that just sucked. Actually, I hated the Water Temple as it was SO DAMN CONFUSING, but I also loved it because it was such a challenge and I liked the enviroment of all the pipes, valves, wateralls and other stuff.

WW... well, what can I say? I almost wished I'd never played a Zelda game before, otherwise I'd of got to live the same excitement I got from OoT all over again. A wonderful game. When I first saw screens of the cell-shading I was taken back and I didn't like it, but then playing the game... my god, it was beautiful. Definatly one of the most stunning games I have seen visually. It was all just so striking yet it had depth to it. I can't explain. Unfortunatly, it was way too easy to do, and I really wish some of the islands were bigger and more to them than just a temple of a secret chest. I mean, how awesome would an island be on the scale of like Lost or something? C'mon. :D Taking up a whole 8 grids or something of dense jungle, ruins, a dungeon/temple, a settlement, etc... :D :D :D :D :D

I loved all 3. I can't say which I prefer. Impossible.
Although I am a fan of OOT, A Link to the Past definatley holds the best memories for me. In my opinion, it was the zelda game that most exemplified the formula. It was the perfect 16-bit top down dungeon crawler, with just the right amount of action and the right amount of RPG elements.

OOT was fantastic, no doubt, but I feel it suffered from japanese-artform and poor framerate, as well as some issues related to going to 3d for the first time. It was good, certainly one of the best games ever made, but it just felt unrefined.

However, I think twighlight princess will surpass both of them.
OOT was the only Zelda game I had - and even then I thought it sucked. I found it childish and boring - and I was only like 15 at the time :/
well, to me its all about the memories and the nostalgia.

My mother's wedding gift to my father was an NES system with a copy of Legend of Zelda, so I literally came out of the womb watching the game being played, and it soon became the first game I ever played. Then, I remember when I was very young my dad took me to target and we played A link to the Past on this arcade system, and we bought it right there. I then spent several years off-and-on playing it, just finding out little things, and finally beat it when I was about 8 or 9. Then, OOT came out, and I got really excited for that...

It's just that I've been a zelda fan all my life, I don't really have a choice, its a central part of my memory (I'm not sure if that's a good thing though ;) )
Wind Waker is the only Zelda game I've played and I liked it. A lot. The design is amazing.

Once Twilight Princess is released I'll probably check it out.
Wind Waker is the only Zelda game I've played and I liked it. A lot. The design is amazing.

Once Twilight Princess is released I'll probably check it out.
You'll be able to get Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, A Link to the Past, etc. on the virtual console too :D
Majora's Mask. No contest. OoT aged horribly for me, I couldn't stand replaying it. Majora's Mask had a better story, better dungeons (although the water temple sucked), a better world, better sidequests, it was just a better game. I thought Wind Waker was amazing too.

And for some reason, I never really got into any of the 2D Zeldas.
Link to the Past. When I think of Zelda that's the first thing that comes to mind.

It felt like there was so much extra stuff to do and it was a lot of fun. I still want to see the Pegasus boots make a return along with the tempered and golden sword :)
I liked A link to the past, and Links awakening personally...
Majora's Mask for me. It improved upon the formula put down by OoT, had a more emotionally involving story with some truly sad moments (the reuniting of Anju and Kafei minutes before the apocalypse was just...). Plus, it had some nicely original moments...especially when you reached the moon. Still, it was a tad short, but that's the only complaint I can make against it.
I remember the first time I played MM I was scared shitless about my time limit. I was running around like a headless chicken not even bothering to talk to anyone looking for the skull kid.
Ocarina of Time, without a doubt. Majora's Mask is extremely underrated, though.
Ocarina of Time, without a doubt. Majora's Mask is extremely underrated, though.

Have to agree with you there. Only realised myself recently how good MM really was. I'll be buying it on the virtual console of my Wii just so I can play it again. :)

Love the Zelda series. So awesome! Really can't wait to see what TP is like. Nintendo said they've tried to make the game better than OOT was. Hard thing to do, but I think they may have pulled it off! :O Time will tell.
At first I thought majoras mask was a horrible perversion of the proven zelda formula. I was despised by the time limit, the stupid japanese influences, and the confusing and pointless masks...

I threw it into a pile and forgot about it until last year, when I started playing it again.

I realized that it was much better than my initial impressions, and although it was weird, unorthadox and un-zeldalike, I came to realize it was a fun game after all...

but I definatley do not think it is the best by any means, and I sincerly hope that other zelda games do not follow its direction.
At first I thought majoras mask was a horrible perversion of the proven zelda formula. I was despised by the time limit, the stupid japanese influences, and the confusing and pointless masks...

I threw it into a pile and forgot about it until last year, when I started playing it again.

I realized that it was much better than my initial impressions, and although it was weird, unorthadox and un-zeldalike, I came to realize it was a fun game after all...

I didn't think it was "Un-Zelda-like" at all. It had more depth and was less linear than the typical Zelda game, and is probably the darkest of all of them, between the apocalyptic theme and some of the sidestories (take Kafei for example).
I didn't think it was "Un-Zelda-like" at all. It had more depth and was less linear than the typical Zelda game, and is probably the darkest of all of them, between the apocalyptic theme and some of the sidestories (take Kafei for example).
Agreed. I also think that, besides being darker and deeper, MM had a better overall narrative than the games before it.

>:0 Skull Kid is such a bastard, but I still can't decide whether or not to feel sorry for him.
I began playing through MM a while back and I got to the start of the Water Temple and... well, you know when you get to a part of a game you're really enjoying plaything through again, and you get to that part... the part you hated the most the first time? I get it all the time. The Water Temple was that part for me, so I just put it off and said I'll do it another time. When I returned to my Gamecube, something was wrong with the memory card (something to do with my sister probably) and I couldn't load it. :( I couldn't be bothered to get all the way there again so that was that.

I will begin again soon, I just hate replaying a section I've already done so soon.
Majora's Mask. Ocarina seems to have aged more than Majora. And Majora still feels gloriously different. Mind you... I think Ocarina of Time is a better game. If that makes sense.

It makes complete sense to me. I vote Majora because its style is just so different from Ocarina of Time, in a way that I really like. Its one of the most surreal games I've ever played, partly because of the subtle little differences it has with OoT, and partly because of some great art direction. Compared to OoT, its not just ye grand ole adventure to save the world, its more personal. Its like you're saving the world for the people who you've helped, not just because you have to. It just feels more personal, and its definitly darker, what with the undercurrent of impending doom and all. I would say that OoT is a better game, but Majora's Mask is the better Zelda.