Best Movie good guy


Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Ok I asked who the best Movie bad guy was, so who do you reckon the best movie good guy is ?

Obi-Wan Kenobi,
Indiana Jones
The terminator,
I dont like good guys...
Wait...mayby reverse engineer Michael Jennings from Paycheck, he is cool sciencist (like Gordon) :)
god in the Passion of Christ

my good guy beats all of your good guys without even trying :E
-Luke Skywalker
-Ben Kenobi
-Marv (Sin City)
-Hartigan (Sin City)
Denzel Washington in Man on Fire

Best, movie evar.
Best, good guy evar.
Depends which side you're on -

Vincent Vega
Jules Winnfield

Boondock Saints crew:
The Duke
the tidal wave in The Day After Tomorrow ...ahhh natural selection at it's best :E
obi wan or leslie neelson in th naked gun movies
Leon from The Professional aka. Leon
axel foley is a cool character

arnie's got the noteriety though.. "ITS NOT A TUMAH!" "I'M DETECTIVE JOHN KIMBLE!" "WARGHH!"
bliink said:
axel foley is a cool character
Shame his theme tune has been Crazy Frogged*. That puts his credibility down about 14 notches.

* I was thinking of putting some creative imagery here, but I realised that "Crazy Frog" just speaks for itself.
kupoartist said:
Shame his theme tune has been Crazy Frogged*. That puts his credibility down about 14 notches.

* I was thinking of putting some creative imagery here, but I realised that "Crazy Frog" just speaks for itself.

A move where someone shoots the crazy frog... now there would be the "best" good guy :laugh:
Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars
Denzel Washington in Man on Fire
Roger Murtaugh(Danny Glover) and Martin Riggs(Mel Gibson) in Lethal Weapon
Mike Harrigan (Danny Glover) in Predator 2
Dutch Schaeffer (Arnie) and his posse in Predator "GET TO DA CHOPPA"
James Bond
Ellen Ripley in the Alien movies
Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop (a shame the tune has been raped by crazy frog)

Man.. The 80's good guys rocked.
Is Leon considered a good guy...?
I mean, he shot people for money, but he drank milk and had looked after a plant. That makes up for it, right...?
the inanimate carbon rod that saved the space shuttle in that homer goes to space episode ...three cheers for the inanimate carbon rod! huzzah! huzzah! huzzah!
I mean, he shot people for money

Well, they're were mostly criminals, I believe. Which doesn't mean they deserve to die... you know what I mean ;)
SimonomiS said:
Is Leon considered a good guy...?
I mean, he shot people for money, but he drank milk and had looked after a plant. That makes up for it, right...?

I would agree with that, after all he had morals i.e. "No Women, No Children"
In no particular order:

Indiana Jones
Sean Connery in many movies including Indiana Jones, James Bond movies, The Rock.
Qui-Gon Jinn (Not sure why but I loved the guy)
Denzel Washington in The Hurricane
Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Miller from Saving Private Ryan comes to mind. Actually Tom Hanks in general hehe.
Ash Williams.
Chainsaw on one arm, boomstick in the other, kick-ass sense of humour. What's not to love? :E
Dr Forrester from the original WOTW film. I likened him to be Gordon Freeman, just without the guns and the human enemies. Plus he throws a hachet at an aliens face, I hope Tom Cruise does the same in the upcoming movie.
I'd have to say Al Pacino from the movie HEAT. ****ign awesome movie... he plays a freaking awesome cop.

Umm Guy pearce from LA confidential

AND Ethan Hawk from Training day.

OOO the iceburg from Titanic...ahahah


Mike :cheers:
How could I forget Heat and Pacino's Vincent Hanna! (And his FNC, hehe... :P)
