best Nintendo 64 games ever?

Mario 64, Goldeneye, MarioKart and a lot of people will say perfect dark.
Goldeneye wins.

Other than that like brink's said Mario64, Mario Kart, then a couple others.
donkey kong 64 is one of the best, funnest games i ever played :D
Don't forget the final game to be released for the system (I think).

Conker's Bad Fur Day
I think I played goldeneye 007 the most out of any of the games. But what about smash?
Donkey Kong was an awesome game as well!
Good thread :)

Other than the ones mentioned i'd like to add:

Jet Force Gemini - one of my fave Rare games.
Banjo-Tooie/Kazooie - great platformers.
No Mercy - Awesome. As good as any beatemup i've played.
Sin and Punishment - Treasure goodness.
Diddy Kong Racing - better than MK64 imo.
Majora's Mask - almost up there with OoT.

I prefered Perfect Dark single player to Golden Eye /o\
Goldeneye was the one I played most... otherwise Mario Kart MP FTW!
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Perfect Dark

So many memories.
Mario 64
perfect dark
Jet force gemini

...the n64 was the greatest system ever imo
Body Harvest - See what became GTA3

Blast Corps - Blowing up buildings

Hybrid Heaven - Great Hand To Hand RPG with a cracking story.
banjo kazooie- just my personal fave, after those^^
1. Buck Bumble
2. Jet Force Gemini
3. Perfect Dark
4. Goldeneye
5. Zelda
don't forget some obscure ones like Body Harvest and Blast Corps. Mischief Makers rocked! I also had a lot of mindless fun with the Cruisin' series (Cruisin' USA and World). N64 was the last system that really captured that good ol' gaming-for-fun feeling. I still enjoy more modern games like HL2 and Oblivion, but there was something about those N64 games with their terrible textures and great gameplay that can't be replicated any more.
The Nintendo 64 was an awesome system, definitely got a lot more play than my Playstation did. The best games were:

1. Perfect Dark
2. Goldeneye
3. Conkers Bad Fur Day
4. Ocarina of Time
5. DK64
6. Banjo-Kazooie
7. Super Mario 64

Too bad Nintendo couldn't keep it up with the Gamecube.

What's even worse is Rare, which was definitely my favorite developer ... completely lost it. Just compare that list alone of their N64 games to everything they did this generation ... which I think is just a mediocre Star Fox platformer and a remake of one of their great N64 games (which removed a chunk of the game and didn't really improve it a hell of a lot). With the "next" generation they've produced Perfect Dark 0, which by most accounts was incredibly disappointing ... and they have some sort of childrens games in development now. It's just sad.
GoldenEye 007
Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Perfect Dark
Donkey Kong 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros.
Jet Force Gemini
Mario Kart 64

I never got to play Conker's BFD. My mom loaned my '64 to a friend like four years ago.

Also, lol @ Buck Bumble. I loved that game, but it was terrible.

Too bad Nintendo couldn't keep it up with the Gamecube.
Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Rogue Squadron II, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Monkey Ball 2, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes...

Yeah, third-party support sucked, but they still had great, great games on the 'Cube.
Body Harvest - See what became GTA3

Blast Corps - Blowing up buildings

Hybrid Heaven - Great Hand To Hand RPG with a cracking story.

Body Harvest +1. damn fun.

Mario 64
Banjo Tooi/Kazooie
Vigilante 8
Turok 1

I still remember freaking out when my mom came home from work with an N64 and my family (which is really into gaming for some reason) all took turns playing Mario 64. We ordered pizza, and when the pizza guy came in he nearly fell over. "Woah, is that real? There's no way that is a game" he said.

boy, were we easily impressed.
Perfect Dark
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
and a buttload of other games.

God damn, that system was a blast.
Man there were so many great games on that system.

- Zelda: OOT and MM - Obvious reasons...
- Body Harvest - Old but you could do so much in it, loved it when I was younger
- Blast Corps - Quite hard, but some great gameplay
- Mario 64 - again, obvious reasons
- Mario Kart 64 - Lots of multiplayer fun! :D
- Diddy Kong racing - Very fun racer
- Banjo Kazooie/Tooie - Great platformer with some nice laughs :)
- Goldeneye - Brilliant shooter
- Perfect Dark - Again, brilliant shooter
- Silicon Valley - Great platformer/puzzle game. Colourful wth some laughs and lots of characters to play as.
- Jet Force Gemini - Another great platformer/shooter. Love Rare games.
- Turok 1 - Loads of great weapons to choose from and some nice levels. Loved it.
- Donkey Kong 64 - Awesome.
- Lylat Wars - Awesome game, played it so much!
- F-Zero - Great racer.
- ISS 64 - Loved this footie game. Played this loads too!
- 1080 Snowboarding - Great game, some nice visuals on the snow too. Some tough challenges too!
- WWF games - Loved wrestling back then. Games were so awesome!
- Conkers Bad Fur Day - LOVED this game. VERY fun game, was awesome. Multiplayer was great fun too! Loved gunning down the refugees, or trying not to get gunned down as a refugee. Also the other game modes. Too bad these weren't included in the Xbox version :(
- Pokemon Snap - Pretty decent game, just very short. Was into the pokemon craze back then, so i loved this.
- Pokemon staium - Being able to fight in 3d, man that was awesome. And being able to play the gameboy game on my tv was amazing... in all its pixelated glory :D

SO MANY great games. I seriously loved that console. Shame I dont have most of these games anymore :(
Blasphemy! A horrible sequel to my fave GC game.

There were some decent games, but the N64 crapped all over the GC from a massive height.
Hey, Monkey Ball 2 was tons of fun.

Yeah, the cube did have a kind of crummy library, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be :p

[edit] Bomberman 64. This game had me for about two months, where all I did was try and find the different armor parts.
Never owned an N64 myself, but I do remember playing split-screen GoldenEye 007 with my cousin. That was cool.
Never owned an N64 myself, but I do remember playing split-screen GoldenEye 007 with my cousin. That was cool.

Insanely cool.

Loved to just run around destroying everything, with all guns, infinite ammo, no reload etc. Rockets flying everywhere. Lagged the old N64 so bad :D Was still ace though. Man I miss those days.
Golden Eye.
Smash Bros.
Perfect Dark.

There where other good games but those where the games to play with friends.

3 other friends and myself would always go to someones house (Olden day 'LANs') and just play 64 till the early morning and it was so good because we all rocked so the competition would be insane and absolutely fun.

In Smash Bros we all had our characters we always used and we knew how to counter each other and that. I was a Kirby whore though I did use Pikachu a bit.

There where so many fun settings in Golden Eye, like proximity mines only, great fun. :)
Hey, Monkey Ball 2 was tons of fun.

:) ok ok - it's a blast in multiplayer, but singleplayer is pretty dire in comparison to the original.

It's nice to see the N64 getting so much love. It's easily my fave console, even more than the mighty snes (which is saying something!). If any of this generation consoles ends up with 1/3 of the quality found on the N64 I shall be both happy and suprised in equal measure.


Add Mario Golf and Tennis - great party games.
Oh my god, I completely forgot about Smash Bros! I have so many good memories of that game. The best was when my friend and I took on two level 9 enemies, with 99 lives for everyone. The match lasted like an hour, and we dominated.
I had a ton of fun with the 64, but I don't think many of the games have aged so well. Their sounds, textures, and fog are really terrible in comparison to what we're now used to. Some still stand up on the strength of their gameplay, but they're only the greatest of the great.
Mischief Makers

Thank you for being the only person in this thread NOT to forget the awesomeness that was Mischief Makers. Everything Treasure does is a masterpiece.
Starfox, Zeldas, and Goldeneye, along with mario kart/party for funness

Smash Bros ftmfw however.
Rogue Squadron and Wave Racer haven't been mentioned (i dont think) and they were both damn good imo