Best Possible Computer From $1500-$2000


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I want to know EVERYTHING on the best possible computer costing from $1500-$2000 CDN, including keyboard, mouse, monitor, and all the components in the computer, please.

BTW, I don't know when DX10 cards are coming out, if you know please tell me the price of them, and when they are coming out.

Link to what I was thinking... If something here isn't good, please tell me the change, like for example if the sound card sucks, then tell me a better one, thanks.

There HAS to be a DVD player, or else I can't play games like Oblivion :(
I'd wait for the new Intel chips to come out this month. They look cheap and fast.
forget that list u got. everything on that site is overpriced, except the mobo. i dun noe any Canadian computer site, but like if i were u, i wait till AMD drop all their prices of their cpus after 24th july (when new Intel cpus come out)....that AMD 3800 is a single cpu....u want a dual core if u want the best within ur budget.
I'm not getting this money for about 2-3 months.
Ask when you get the money, cuz everything will be priced differently then.
don't bother pricing anything out right now.....things will be alot different come september; no one has really any concrete info on DX10 hardware either.
just give it time.

the build you posted in that link is already "outdated." I wouldn't build a socket 939 system at this point in time if your going to go least go AM2 so you are a little more future proof. But if you have 2000 bucks to blow....your definitely going to want some conroe goodness in your next computer.
hneaz said:
forget that list u got. everything on that site is overpriced, except the mobo. i dun noe any Canadian computer site, but like if i were u, i wait till AMD drop all their prices of their cpus after 24th july (when new Intel cpus come out)....that AMD 3800 is a single cpu....u want a dual core if u want the best within ur budget.

theres some other thread that rumored it was coming july 14th but idk
if you dont live in canada, NCIX wont ship to you.....unless you use paypal...
hneaz said:
forget that list u got. everything on that site is overpriced, except the mobo. i dun noe any Canadian computer site, but like if i were u, i wait till AMD drop all their prices of their cpus after 24th july (when new Intel cpus come out)....that AMD 3800 is a single cpu....u want a dual core if u want the best within ur budget.
ncix is one of the best priced sites for canadians. apairently tech companies/suppliers havent realized that the canadain dollar is stronger and we still pay shitload more than we should
Tyguy said:
if you dont live in canada, NCIX wont ship to you.....unless you use paypal...

Take a look at my location...

Revisedsoul said:
ncix is one of the best priced sites for canadians. apairently tech companies/suppliers havent realized that the canadain dollar is stronger and we still pay shitload more than we should

I agree, these prices are really good, this is close to a top of the line computer, for $1700 CDN, I'd say thats pretty good, seeing as how I payed $3000 for the one I'm using now...
Nvidia's G80 (codename) is coming out begining of Fall, ATI's R600 chip will be coming out later in Oct-Nov. Nvidia has been pretty silence about their card while ATI's card is said to be a very big, very fast and a very power hungry card. Both are DX10 cards although they are still focusing a lot on improving DX9 performance at this point.

Intel will launch their Core 2 Duo (Conroe) in July. Intel says they have enough supply but there are a lot of people ready to buy too. I wouldn't expect to get anything before August. AMD will be dropping prices on their products to compete before August as well. Fall seems like the time to buy. ;)
So.. It'd probably be best to buy a 7900GT now, and wait a few years for DX10?
Dog-- said:
So.. It'd probably be best to buy a 7900GT now, and wait a few years for DX10?
Do whatever you'd like. The new cards will improve DX9 performance and be DX10 compatible so that sounds like a good buy to me.

Though the 7900GT is cheap now. Could do that too. Probably what I am going to do if I end up upgrading in August.