Best Programs?


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
What are some of your favorite programs for music, movies, as well as windows widgets or such?

IE...iTunes, Windows Media Player etc...
windvd 7 for movies, itunes for music but lately itunes has caused me trouble, firefox for internet, nod32 for antivirus
Especially with my pretty plug ins.
iTunes. Although, WMP11 is really impressing me.

Ok, so that can't play music or movies. I used iTunes the most out of any media related programs on my PC.
Firefox 2.0 for Internet, PowerDVD 7 for DVDs, DivX for all other video formats, iTunes for music.
Firefox for browser; WinDVD for DVDs; Creative MediaSource (about as amazing as VLC plus it doesn't look like Win95) for videos.
I use iTunes for music (mainly because my Winamp doesn't work anymore, but ****, I like iTune's interface more anyway) and either VLC or DivX for movies.
ill have to look into this VLC, guessing it works good for playing music while playing games?
no, VLC is best for watching various video files. It's like divX but better.

VLC is generally recommended for watching pirated video as it's a bit sketchy with encoding sometimes.
What would be the best for playing music while playing games?
iTunes for pretty much everything, WinDVD 7 for DVDs. (Naturally)
WMP11 for audio - I hate fiddling around with playlists, as I tend to listen to albums instead, and WMP has a nicer look to me than iTunes.

Right now, DivX for videos, and WMP for DVDs, but I'll end up pirating WinDVD 7 and downloading VLC within the week, I'm sure.
no, VLC is best for watching various video files. It's like divX but better.

VLC is generally recommended for watching pirated video as it's a bit sketchy with encoding sometimes.

Where do you come up with this stuff?

That's my understanding of it; that's what I use VLC for, and that's what everyone I know that uses VLC uses it for. For listening to music in the background while gaming, Winamp or iTunes is fine. I don't use VLC for non-video media.

Sorry if I offended you, but if you want to continue you're gonna have to point out how you're justified in using "this stuff", as if I randomly spout bullshit on a regular basis.
Like 90% of the people here, VLC for movies...

and WMP11 for Music.

Although one program I've been impressed with is Office 2007, it's so spiffy and cool, I LOVE IT!

edit: Oh and the 'What am I listening to' feature that works with MSN Messenger is neat. :)
You can do so much better than Real Player, but to each his own.
I got an iTunes gift card for X-mas. Ima try it.