Best settings for my x800 pro 256 mb




I have got a question about the best settings for Css
my pc specs are:
p4 3.2c
asus p4p800 se
2x kingston hyper x px3200 512mb
ATI x800 pro 256mb(using the 4.12beta (not the 4.12 final cuz got better benchmarks @ beta)

The game recommend me to play @ everything high
AA set @ 4x and Af set @ 8x
Did the videostress and had a score of 103 fps. But in games like aztech, I got sometimes big drops, 36-50, So i am wondering what should I change to make the game play smooth+ high fps
yeah i got the exact same recommendations for my 3.2ghzp4,1gb ddr2 ram,x800xt, but in game its very laggy with those settings drop your res and aa altogether if you like as believe me your not going to be lookin for jaggies while playing cs:s,dont even ask me about hl:dm ;(
what are your settings? perhaps I can try them
I have tried tested once, everything low and @1024
I had a 113.50 score @ videostress (103 @ 1024 everything high and 4x AA 8xAF) , so what of the settings(shadows, details, etc) causes the most drops @ my fps?
First things first he is right about the AA setings try them out at 2 and 4 for a nice sexy boost.

I think I had the same problem when I had my old 2800 AMD, I got like a 97 on the stress test, but I was pullin 40 to 50 on aztek and dust, and that was pretty much max; I was tryin to get more performance and I oced my 2800, but I keep changing the settings too fast and it blew up, so I got a AMD 4000+, the 939 socket version of the fx-53 and I dont drop past 60, mabey 50 if there are 32 people on and I am looking at all of them.

One thing I found out was that this game dosen't beat up graphics cards like say FarCry did, instead it goes after your CPU more so in the multiplayer, yes I know that you got the reccomended cpu but my 2800 was reccomended and remember reccomended means 1024 by 768 not 1600 by 1200 or 1280 by 1024. and reccomended means 30 fps or higher.

Your card will easly beat out the video requierments and then some, but I have a 6800 ultra, yours runs hl2 20% faster than mine and I dont get any slowdowns, nither should you, so all I can reccomend is drop that pentium 4 and grab a AMD FX or 3500+ and up, It will cost you half of what you paid for that p4. Intel cpu's are made for bussness, workstation suff and multi media, AMD smothers them in the gaming relm.

Ok, now Im just rambeling but don't rush out and buy a new CPU thats just retarded, unlesss you need it or you happen to have 600 bucks on you, you should only have these slowdowns in multiplayer, just try and not let it get to you, shit my cpu was so old when I shot a bucket there was a .5 seccond delay before it flew.

Checkout the december issue of PC gamer if that dosen't help you out, there is a thing that does a little trouble shooting in the back of it.