Best Shootout Movie Ever!

Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Is by Far HardBoiled from director John Woo, starring Chow Yun Fat.

Movies like the Matrix, owe all their slow motion shooting effect ideas to this film. Same with games. Picture FEAR's shooting effects in a movie, and thats Hard Boiled. Also accoriding to IMDB, apparently this movie has the highest body count (people shown being killed) on screen ever.


Check out this sweet clip (17mb)

Sweet Shootout Clip

Did I mention theres almost an hour long shootout at the end of the movie?
The movie was alright, but not THAT good. I doubt it has the most killings in a movie. Something along the lines of lord of the rings: the two towers battle scene or another epic battle movie would have the most deaths.
Hard-Boiled and The Killer are classics and have to be two of the greatest action movies ever. Chow-Yun Fat and John Woo were at the top of their game with thse two. Both are great for different reasons, but both rock for balls-to-the-wall action.

Highest body count... I dunno about that, that would have to go to Hot Shots Part Deux... there's even a counter on the bottom of the screen that says so :thumbs:
Soon as i saw the thread title i thought of this movie :D
I first saw this with a friend on TV, and we only caught the last hour (the huge shoot out at the end int he hospital) and we thought that was the best. So i hunted it down and got it on DVD and was blown away by the rest of the film, i thought that final shootout at the end was most of the film, was i wrong.

I love this movie *huggles his DVD*
I have to see that movie. Looks great. I also cant wait for SpyHunter
The Terminator series had some nice shoot-outs...
Raziel-Jcd said:
I have to see that movie. Looks great. I also cant wait for SpyHunter
Once John Woo hit America his movies went downhill, real fast, though he's back in China for a couple movies, I'd like to see how those turn out

but Spyhunter? Are you kidding me? The game was shite, the movie will be worse
The best shootout I've seen is probably in Heat. I've only seen that movie once a few years ago but the shootout stuck with me.
mortiz said:
The best shootout I've seen is probably in Heat. I've only seen that movie once a few years ago but the shootout stuck with me.
Heat is good for a more realistic type of shootout, but Hard-Boiled and The Killer have far more style and flair
I do agree that Heat has a damn good shootout, though
while hard boiled and the killer have great stylistic shootouts ..the best realistic shootout has to be in Taxi driver when Travis Bickel shoot's Harvey keitel's pimp character ..the fear, the insanity was just over the top yet extremely believable

another great shootout is in Reservoir dogs when Harvey Keitel and Steve buscemi try to make their getaway
CptStern said:
while hard boiled and the killer have great stylistic shootouts ..the best realistic shootout has to be in Taxi driver when Travis Bickel shoot's Harvey keitel's pimp character ..the fear, the insanity was just over the top yet extremely believable

another great shootout is in Reservoir dogs when Harvey Keitel and Steve buscemi try to make their getaway
Have you seen A History of Violence? It has a couple every quick, well-done shooting sequences. The violence isn't horrific, but it certainly is quick and brutal, just like gun violence in real life

Samon said:
You have to be kidding.
Pretty good action shootout but they used some canned sfx that made me laugh. One sound of the bullets ricocheting brought extra laughter because I remember it from the Transformers movie. :p
this movies not meant to be realistic at all.

I should post a clip of some of the hour long shootout at the end, where Chow Yun Fats carrying a shotgun, its sweet.
Icarusintel said:
Have you seen A History of Violence? It has a couple every quick, well-done shooting sequences. The violence isn't horrific, but it certainly is quick and brutal, just like gun violence in real life


I'll catch it at some point ...the only thing drawing me to it is that it's directed by canadian great David cronenberg ..not too fond of pretty boy Aragorn as an actor but Cronenberg directs actors well enough
mortiz said:
The best shootout I've seen is probably in Heat. I've only seen that movie once a few years ago but the shootout stuck with me.
i was about to say the same film. the killer and hard boiled are tops for rediculous action, but for realism and being cool at the same time, heat ftw. my friends and i will hook this up to a large wall projector and watch it with a surround sound setup, its simply amazing.

on a side note, we're getting a crew together tomorrow to go as the heat bank robbers for halloween. ill post some pictures. hope we dont get shot by cops. wich us luck!
the best shootout actually really happend in North Hollywood in 1997

Im sure you can find it its 15 long clip

goggle:"North Hollywood shootout" or "Bank of America robbery 1997"