Best SP HL1 MOD?

Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
What's the best single-player Half-Life 1 Modification(s)?

"Azure Sheep" and "Sweet Half-Life" were two of my personal favorites because they were challenging and provided so many memories. The storylines also tied into Half-Life and Opposing Force as well. Couldn't tell you which one was better though. ;)

heh, don't mean to come off as an ass, but DO search first. THey Hunger is popular, and is very awesome. brilliantly done. search for it though, you're not the only lazy one :P
Originally posted by CyberSh33p

heh, don't mean to come off as an ass, but DO search first. THey Hunger is popular, and is very awesome. brilliantly done. search for it though, you're not the only lazy one :P

And with Halloween coming up, what better time to play it :)
The Hunger damn-well better be good cuzz I'm downloading it on a 28.8k connection (only 8 hours left).

lol I'm sure we're all bored rignht now waiting for HL2.
You guys won't believe this....well, you probably will. File was corrupt. All 70mb download on 28.8k connection screwed.
Because I live in Missouri & everything in Missouri is garanteed to suck. (I won't be here for much longer)
I personally liked counter-life a lot. They Hunger was very good too.
Finally got the Hunger downloaded :) I'm at part 2 where you come up to the insane assylum. Good so far :)

Thanks for the suggestions people.