Best Theme Song


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Theres a lot, so I'll name two.

Robocop and Duke Nukem.
The Duke Nukem 3D theme tune is indeed great. I have the mp3 hidden away in my music folder so it pops up now and again.

Mission: Impossible (television series)
The A Team (television series)
The Pink Panther (television series and films)
Quantum Leap (television series)
The A-team!
Max Payne 2
Star Wars Imperial March and also the music when Obi-Wan fights Anakin

Oh and

Indiana Jones
Imperial March, no doubt. But the Banjo Kazooie theme song was pretty catchy as well.
Red Dwarf!

"I want to lie
ship-wrecked and comatose
drinking fresh
mango juice!

Goldfish shoals
nibbling at my toes!
fun fun fun
in the sun sun sun
I cant believe i still remember the Red Dwarf song.
Im American and watched it when I was around 10 years old D:

Hands down, the best two.
"You're the best around" from Karate Kid. I LOVE that song. To the extent that listening to it makes me not actually angry at all.

-Angry Lawyer
So, are we talking theme tunes or any track from a game/film's OST?

Because if it's the latter then a whole lotta Mario springs to mind...
The Deus Ex title music is pretty cool, especially on the PS2 with a full orchestra.
Top Gear (their version, not the Allman Brothers original) or MacGyver
The music for Mafia was awesome, except they used the same theme every time some action happened so by the end of the game it was bordering on annoying.