Best umpc for gaming?


Oct 28, 2008
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Hi guys, I haven't been on here for quite a while, but anyway. Earlier on I was thinking to myself, would't it be great to take my pc games and be able to play them where ever I was? So I started searching up portable pc gaming, and I found out about umpc's (ultra mini pc), But i just couldn't figure out witch would be best for gaming, so I came to you guys, what do you think?
UMPC is a now generic term for a lot of devices. Maybe you could tell us what exactly you are looking for.

I have a Nokia n810 Internet Tablet (a MID). Although I can play Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, and a few others on it, I find the concept rather silly.
I guessed, I just wondered what you would suggest, like what specs ect.
UMPC is a now generic term for a lot of devices. Maybe you could tell us what exactly you are looking for.

I have a Nokia n810 Internet Tablet (a MID). Although I can play Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, and a few others on it, I find the concept rather silly.

Um... I'm not that good at explaining, search oqo on google images, thats a umpc.
Well, I didn't say an oqo as necessary, just a umpc, that link you got was good.
The kind of games I'd want to play on it would be, say, Lego Batman, Dawn of war, half life 1 and they don't take up much specs anyway from what I know.
You might be able to play (really) old games on that...

Here's the specs for the GPU in the Model 2+:

As far as I can figure based on it's specs, the GMA 500 would probably be somewhere around the low end Geforce FX 5 series, between the 5200 and 5500 in performance.

The other UMPC's I saw use a similar Intel GMA GPU. Like this one:, the GMA 950 seems to be about as powerful as a mid range Geforce FX 5 card.

You could just get a laptop, they should be small enough, and if you get a gaming one you'd be able to play any new PC game you want...
Ok, so i got the specs figured out:
Processor: around 1.5Ghz
Ram: Around 1Gb
Video ram: around 256Mb
Hard drive: any bigger than 30Gb
Ok, so I've changed my mind and am now going for a small laptop with the specs:

Processor: 1.2Ghz or higher
Ram: 1Gb or higher
Video ram: 256Mb or higher
Hard drive: 40Gb or high

I am searching right now, Im looking for the smallest laptop with these specs or higher, I would apreciate (think i spelled it right) any help, also sorry for putting in the wrong forum and thanks for moving.