Best Video Game Ever?


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Whats the best videogame of all time, to you. This is in terms of overall playability, the community behind it, and the key, fun factor!

For me, it would have to be TREAD MARKS. (

Why? well...I have plenty to say about why... :)

Basic Idea:
FPS meets tank sim. handles like a FPS, but your driving tanks. You get every weapon from a machine gun, to lasers, to missiles, to mines, to Nukes. 100% deformable terain, and I mean deformable. TM was the first game to use deformable terrain, and they did it WELL. Nukes leave huge craters, matter bombs make mountains. :)

this game is FUN, and the community makes it even more so. You will never hear cursing, you will never be yelled at. The deathmatch servers are almost chatrooms. We are there for the enjoyment of playing. Usually kills are greeted with a "LMAO"....from the person that was fragged! I've never been told "Cheap" on any frag, and there are no cheaters, because well, there are none.

OK, so you have a variety of missiles, guns, chainguns, cruise missiles, radiation grenades, plasma mines, Nukes, even the Shadow Keeper for kicks...but what makes the weapons special? well...for one, they change. Compeatly up to the server admins and the modders. see, all weapon data is stored in ent files, which is plain text. when you join a server, you synch the ent files. as its just text, you can modify thousands of files, and create new ones, and it takes just seconds on a 56K to synch them. then your off to never never land where you might find that sheep like to chase you, your machine gun shoots nukes, theres new tanks available, or any other number of things. It gets crazy, but its darn fun too!

Fun Factor:
Lets put it this way. the story behind the game reads "In the future, artificially intelligent tanks got tired of fighting human wars, and decided to go duke it out for fun!" well...something like that. Basically there is no story, and it lets you know that this is a game that is NOT serious. (I mean, one of the more popular server back when was "Flying tanks and cookie dough" where tanks went FLYING...ALOT) Its just fun to play, period. weather racing, playing CTF, or just having a frag's FUN. (Nothing like using a nuke at point blank range for zero points. frag+suicide, everyone gets a kick out of that)

Who needs graphics? well...everyone I guess...TM is aging, but in the end, it doesn't matter. It still looks sweet, and since it is moddable, it was easy to make it look a bit better. the Devs are even making a DX version of the engion, which will support shadows and dynamic lighting. And I myself made better textures as part of a high quality mod.

Overall rating: 10/10. Nothing else comes close! (Cept maybe Half Life...but that is a different genre)
Check it out!

So...whats the best game ever to YOU, and why?
Ok... So I see nobody took me seriously....with the Extreme Paintbrawl thingy.. :(

Actually... I don't have a favorite game...there's too many factors to consider.
StarCraft/BroodWar would have to be my favorite overall PC game
AmishSlayer said:
Ok... So I see nobody took me seriously....with the Extreme Paintbrawl thingy.. :(

Actually... I don't have a favorite game...there's too many factors to consider.
extreme paintball....i heard that game sucked....i like paintball thou .....ive always loved MGS that im more into computer games.!!! I HAVE NO CLUE....i cant decide...too many genres
Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Halo (XBox only), Counter Strike, System Shock 2, Half Life, RTCW (MP only)

Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Mario 64

Super Mario Kart

Super Bomberman

Super Monkey Ball :monkee:

Final Fantasy 6, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Baldur's Gate series, Planescape Tourment, Knights of the Old Republic.

Zelda LTTP, Zelda OOT, Legend of the Mystical Ninja

Street Fighter 2, King of Fighters 98, Virtua Fighter 4

Age Of Empires, Civilisation, WarCraft/StarCraft


Winning Eleven Seven, Top Spin Tennis

They are all the best \o/
Shuzer said:
StarCraft/BroodWar would have to be my favorite overall PC game
Definatly the best strategy game of all time IMO. But I'm not much of a strategy buff (Starcraft was the only Strategy game I ever liked).
I think the best games I ever played were:
-Unreal 1 (this game was years beyond its time. the immersion factor is unbelieveable! Instant classic)
-Half-Life (why do you suppose Im here?)
-Deus Ex: This game tried to do something new, and did it damn well. Probibly one of the best stories ever in a video game (to my knowledge).

From the three of those, I would have one hell of a time choosing my favorite. But I did just recently beat Unreal 1 yesterday which is extremly satisfying. The game is roughly 40+ hours long.
yeah, i really liked SC and HL.. but i've never had as much fun playing a game as when i played I-76 and lucas arts' Outlaws. fun-wise, those games where in a class of their own for me, though HL does come close..
The best
Thief II: The Metal Age

Great, but not perfect
System Shock 2
civilization 1. now those were good times.

I'd say civ1, super mario world, and doom were the games I spent the most time playing overall. oh, and simcity 2000, I was the only guy I knew to actually get to arcos without cheating.
How many threads of this have there been lately?

More than I can remember anyways.

"Top 5 Games"
"Best Games"
"Something else about the best games"

MGS 1 & 2 are badass
Can't wait for MGS3
I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Mario 64, can't live without the first 3D platformer of all time, baby!

Too bad Mario Sunshine never kept to the traditional runnin' and jumpin' style of 64. It left me shivering in a corner for 2 days.
Tie between Chrono Trigger (an old favorite) and Deus Ex (which I'm not done with yet but is already one of the best games I've ever played).
IMHO FF7 is the best game of all time, and with HL1 comming up as a very close second.. ive played atleast 500 hours of FF7, and 4 years of HL (including it's mods), been a member of a very good finnish CS clan back when it was still good, been a member of two DoD clans and a clan consisting of friends in NS.
For me definetly Halo. Any game, with out inline play, which I still play 18 months since I bought it is well worth the accolade of best game ever, The Pro Evolution series coming a close second.
