Best way for someone currently out of work to make money?

Jan 27, 2006
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Hi, I need to make $2,142 so I can afford the computer of my dreams. I was wondering, how is it possible to earn that amount of money without being in work?
Sell drugs, sell your body, mow lawns, etc.
Is it possible to make money without working?

What do you think, lol.
I'm not sure you understand what work is and it's benefits, Freeman911. Unless your on benefits or something you can't just sit back slobbering over Crysis or something and hope that somehow you get money.

However, do you get lunch money for school, or bus fare, etc? I use to put a pound aside everyday, and it's amazing how in the long run a pound a day for several weeks makes... well, alot of money. Such a simple tactic, but something I use to overlook so much.

(Dollar, pound, quid, whichever)
I don't normally get lunch money, but when I do, I mooch off other people and keep the money. The problem is, that I'm turning the legal working age VERY soon (two or three days after school ends). Once I get legal (well technically legal) working age (14) I'll probably go work at a Safeway or something. :D.

I'm trying to persuade my parents to let me cook dinner for money or something every day (or some days).
Sell your testicles on the stock exchange and charge interest.
Contact one of those nice people in Nigeria who need help transferring money from dead relations- I made $6.7 million over night!
one word: prostitution

a job you can do with your eyes closed (preferably, in some cases)
Get a paper route. Or go work for some friends of your family. Do you live in Vancouver? You could probably get a job as a dishwasher pretty easily. I bet a lot of people don't care how old you are.

If you seriously want to make money there is a lot of dough to be made selling pot to your friends in highschool. And plus, I think you can't get a permenant criminal record if you are a minor. Your parents might kill you if you get caught though.
Sell un-needed parts of your body on ebay and tell the sellers that they are parts of famous people. be a guide

D'oh! qonfused be me.

if you need an invite send me a PM
get into a reality show or go to hollywood and do some stupid and someone will pay you in some way
1)you can sell some stuff on ebay just make sure to set a reserve price .its an auction site so you should get a price higher than the retail value you payed.if you don't have stuff to sell go to local garage sales and buy stuff and then sell it one eBay :P lol.
2)you can answer long questionnaires online for money.
3)if you have a talent like programming or graphics design you can probably offer that to some mod developers for a nominal charge (a one time payment). mods need websites! and most of them wouldn't mind paying something like 20$(or more) for a site.
4)you can also donate blood for money.not sure if they still do that though.

i havent tried any of these but they should work.
Especially you, TollBooth:D.

I know what Ebay is, and I'm considering selling a bunch of my old stuff on it, like my DS and things.
Suck cock, sell drugs.

It's made a lot of people around here successful.


Head over to the psychedelic experiences thread and say you've got some angel dust, or just PM Willie here to have a good time. Both, highly profitable venues.
Beat up old men when they get out of their cars at home. They always keep money on them.
go to the rich neighborhoods, find a few John Smiths who drive to work, go to their car outside of work and if it's unlocked just search through it for cash. I've known business men to leave a wad of about $3000 in the center console of their SUV's. Stupid Missouri......
go to the rich neighborhoods, find a few John Smiths who drive to work, go to their car outside of work and if it's unlocked just search through it for cash. I've known business men to leave a wad of about $3000 in the center console of their SUV's. Stupid Missouri......
because stealing makes you hardcore.
sperm bank.

Kill 2 birds with one stone...

Fap! Fap! Fap! *Ka-ching!*
Especially you, TollBooth:D.

I know what Ebay is, and I'm considering selling a bunch of my old stuff on it, like my DS and things.

if you still wouldn't able to makeup enough money from above ideas, then problem will laugh at you and jerk off on your face! :D :P
Altough Badhat's idea was good, I'd have to go with the more conventional route of waiting untill I'm old enough.