best way to help flu?


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
i dont know if i have flu or whatnot, but im feeling extreamly weak, heating really high, and coughing really bad. if this is flu, anyone got some suggestions to help?
Garlic, crush it very finely mix with water and down it, as fast as possible because the allicin quickly degrades
Do this 2 times a day using one clove.

Other important things to fight off virus:
Drink plenty of fluid.
Eat according to your appetite, prob not as much as normal i presume.
Plenty of rest

I don't recomend you do what i do however, i won't post the method here cos you'd prob kill yourself, it works for me and clears almost any virus/bacteria from my body in less than 24hrs.
ktimekiller said:
it doesnt sound safe =O
Well it is, unless you are allergic to garlic which is about the same chance as being allergic to brocolli or something......

Basically when you crush garlic allicin is formed, a natural antimicrobial compound, most probably evolved to protect the garlic bulb from damage (many plants have antimicrobial agents)
You have to trust me on this one, raw garlic is an amazing thing to help fight the flu, it's strong tasting and strong smelling but that's little price to pay for being able to get over a virus in 1/2 the time of normal (with less symptoms as compounds in garlic act to soothe nerves and are antihistamine)

It is 100% safe, do it
short recoil said:
Well it is, unless you are allergic to garlic which is about the same chance as being allergic to brocolli or something......

Basically when you crush garlic allicin is formed, a natural antimicrobial compound, most probably evolved to protect the garlic bulb from damage (many plants have antimicrobial agents)
You have to trust me on this one, raw garlic is an amazing thing to help fight the flu, it's strong tasting and strong smelling but that's little price to pay for being able to get over a virus in 1/2 the time of normal (with less symptoms as compounds in garlic act to soothe nerves and are antihistamine)

It is 100% safe, do it
So what is your method for getting rid of it in 24 hours? I just want to know if it might work for me if it ever comes down to it.
Drink as much water as you can. If your not on the verge of throwing up from too much water then drink more!

Anything will be gone in a day. You flush it all out.
The Power of God!

Or liquids and bedrest, either one will work.
OvA said:
Garlic also cures vampires..

What if you are a sick vampire?

I very well can't have garlic now can I? I've heard a wooden stake helps too.
Glirk Dient said:
What if you are a sick vampire?

I very well can't have garlic now can I? I've heard a wooden stake helps too.

You could always drink short recoil's bodily fluids...the posees magic healing powers
Coat yourself in feathers, scare people into thinking you got bird flu. It will make you smile and the regular flu will be destroyed by your happiness.
Chicken Noodle soup. You will feel immedietly better. I promise.
If not, ill eat my hat.
But you're not wearing a hat! D:

Oh, and I was going to suggest liquids and bedrest too, but it's been said alot.
^May I just say, Murray, you seem to be in rare form tonight. That's the second post you've made today that made me giggle.

Good show.

OT, I've also found that moaning aloud, aspirin, and Gatorade help me for some reason. Self-pity really speeds up the healing process.
LIAH! I am too wearing a hat, i usually always wear one (cept to church, funerals, etc)

Its a UPS Nascar hat. I dont work for UPS neither do i like Nascar, Redneck sport.
OvA's Mind said:
Isn't mould spelled mold? You should Google it.
OvA's Mind said:
That's way too stupid a reason to open a new tab
OvA's Mind said:
stfu no it's not. If it's wrong you'll have something to post and you won't feel left out
OvA's Mind said:
Yeah, but if you do that they'll just point out the numerous spelling errors you make and that'll just be annoying
OvA's Mind said:
Why the f*ck are my thoughts being typed out like this anyway? You're obviously just hating off Murray
OvA's Mind said:
Murray is a cross dresser, lol.
OvA's Mind said:
Yeah, he's not a bad looking chick. I wonder how big his penis is...
OvA's Mind said:
Dude, why the f*ck are you thinking about Murray's penis, are you gay or something?

It's spelled mold
from the looks of it, im gonig to drink until i shit out water, thanks for the tips guys, and i JUST MIGHT try it recoil, if i get desparate, thanks for all the tips.
ktimekiller said:
from the looks of it, im gonig to drink until i shit out water, thanks for the tips guys, and i JUST MIGHT try it recoil, if i get desparate, thanks for all the tips.

One time, I was so sick I shit on the wall.

And with that enigmatic statement, I'm off!
After close inspection of the title of this thread "best way to help flu?", I suggest standing in the freezing cold, naked, while eating rotten food and licking old used tissues.

If, however, you meant that you wanted help to get rid of the flu, well there have already been some good suggestions, unless you are a vampire.

Just trying to cover all the bases, and reply to the thread as it was written, in case you were trying to learn new torture methods or something.
short recoil, out of curiosity, do you mind telling us your 24 hour method? or was it the garlic one?

Greatgat said:
One time, I was so sick I shit on the wall.

lmao :laugh: