Best way to multiboot Windows XP and 7 with 7 already installed


Space Core
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hello guys,
I currently have my PC set up this way:
Installed Windows XP first on a 200GB partition(1TB hard drive)
Then installed Windows 7 on a 800GB partition

I used to play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Windows XP, but now it doesn't work properly anymore(tried alot of fixes) so I want to reinstall Windows XP.

BUT, I know that multibooting Windows 7 and XP won't work out of the box if you already have 7 installed, you normally need to install XP first. I don't really feel like reinstalling Windows 7, so I need another way to multiboot them.

Already Googled this and found multiple method which all didn't look very reliable(don't want to mess up my Windows 7 installation), so I was wondering what the best method is?
Well, Win 7 has a text file for the boot, so maybe you can find that file and just edit it. That would be really easy.

(it's a hidden file so you need to show hidden files)

I don't have a lot of time to help, but it might be worth a look:

I installed XP first and it went perfectly.

But the problem is, I'm afraid Windows XP's OS loader(or whatever it's called :p ) will overwrite the Windows 7 one and afaik Windows XP's doesn't support multibooting.

As said before, I don't want to reinstall Windows 7.
I can say with almost certainty that it uses a different kind of loader file than XP. It won't be overwritten.

If you've already got XP installed on a different drive, I don't see how that can even happen. Are you planning to reinstall XP?

XP will be on a separate partition/drive.
Thanks, but the reason why I wanted to reinstall XP(BC2 not working properly) is already gone(EA fixed it). But it might be useful in the future.