"beta" vs full game


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
I never played the beta myself, so i was wondering how it compares to the finished product? was there any deleated scenes? was the game scarier?
please share... :stare:
1. It was a pre-alpha.. not a beta.
2. The sounds were better, but overall it had a similar feel even if the parts were different.
i didnt like how the zombies got back up in the pre alpha. full version is way more polished, and scarier. also optimized much better.
The alpha was hard on the pc hardware :p, the graphics didnt look much worse back then (when i get to that bit thats you do on the alpha ill be able to notice whats different) it was scary as shit then and still is but they took out the zombies getting back up :( the zombies used to fall down and get back up. I think they should of left that in sometimes for some zombies (some scripted zombies) that like pretended they were dead until you walk near them...it would add even more to the scare factor which already hits the 12 out of 10 mark :p
Hmm, it would have been pretty cool if the zombies had got back up a few times, maybe some randomness so it wouldn't have always been the same zombies who got up neither.