Beta vs Retail


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Whats gonna be added once the game gets released on Wednesday?

More maps I hope.
Not sure, if anything...the beta was pretty well rounded, getting EVERY aspect of the game tested, so no surprises crop up.

The best thing that will probably happen is more servers/custom maps/more people to pwn.
I'm not sure much actually needs to be changed, or that more maps need adding. (If any more are I would most hope for a CTF one after playing 2fort since the quake days...) At the moment, however, it all still feels extreamly fresh and that it has plenty of life left in it.

Some balance changes in the future wouldn't go amiss tho, just to mess around with the form book now and then. The recent surge of pyros has given the game quite a differnt feel already!
I would love some more CTF maps. CP maps don't do it for me. I just like the idea of defending your FORTRESS as a TEAM.
I'd love to see some more ctf maps.
A version of Badlands,Casbah and Rock2 especially.
Rock2! Yeah, it would be great to see lots more CTF maps because I don't love CP ones all that much either.

Tbh though I doubt much if anything will change immediately. They call this a 'beta' but considering how polished it is, and how close to release date it became available, it's more like a perk for Steam OB purchasers than a beta. It's not like much new stuff can get done in a month.
For one, there will be more players with the retail. I am not sure but I heard there will be new maps as well. In any case, since our server is almost always fully populated, we are going to open a second server for the retail. Just signed up for co-location service we'll see how that goes :)
Rock2 needs a remake.

CZ2 needs a proper remake (Hydro != CZ2).

Badlands needs a remake.

Crossover2 and Well need a remake (although the Fortress Forever remakes set a superb precedent).
Agreed@CZ2, I'd love to see that remade as well. I think the Capture Point mechanics on that (ie. running flags) would be great fun in TF2 and wish Valve would have implemented it in at least one CP map.
They are working on things (new map type) but I doubt they will be ready for the retail release.
As far as Valve is concerned it's just the standard continued support they do.
There are many files referencing to it in the GCF

Im pretty sure valve has a couple more official maps idling on their comps.
Some of you need to go read over at CSN about this subject ;)

Badlands is done, they'll release it pretty soon.

Valve is known to leave extra files in GCF's on accident, so it could mean they have been working on it or not at all.

Go search the DoD:S GCF's and you'll see what I mean, british stuff still in there, yet not british...
Some of you need to go read over at CSN about this subject ;)

Valve is known to leave extra files in GCF's on accident, so it could mean they have been working on it or not at all.

Go search the DoD:S GCF's and you'll see what I mean, british stuff still in there, yet not british...

Well this one actually can be confirmed pretty good. During preload the gcf had all the different resource lists for each map. cp_badlands had one. These files list the resources for a particular map. In it were all the models used for the map as well as the bsp file being referenced.
Hunted is a possibility as there are Civilian references in GCF.
Hunted is definitely on the table, but I heavily doubt it will see release at retail.
Team Fortress 2 Maps and Game types - Let me just start this by saying that the hugely popular Hunted game type is being worked on, but with a few changes.

The major problem with this game type was that success as the defending team really depended on not only how well your defenders were, but also how skilled the person playing the VIP was. Obviously, if the VIP was someone who hadn’t played before, things ended quite fast. Valve is retooling this game type and we’ll hopefully see it in a future update.

New maps are being worked on, though I didn’t personally see any new maps first hand. I do know that Jess Cliffe is hard at work on a new map for Team Fortress 2. No ETA on when we might see it though.
Npc/Bot.. um..

Unless theres a command system telling him where to go...err

Screw that.