Beyond Black Mesa: The movie trailer

I really like the look and feel of it, but I'm not sure if Shephard was a good choice for the main character, too much references to HL2 doesn't work for me as well (Ravenholm Steel, why?), HD video quality would be great too.
Editing of the trailer itself was good but the special effects still need a decent amount of work.
It looks good, and I didn't have too many quarrels against the effects. My only gripes are the confusing reference to HL2 (why Ravenholm Steel, and why not just Ravenholm?), and the use of Shephard instead of a random resistance fighter or something.
Looks like it could be decent, and I'm a hard to please person. The only effect that looked a bit weird was the grenade. I dont think the red arc works as well in live action as it does in the game. Might be classier to just make the top bit glow red, and leave the particle trail out. Or make it much shorter.

Anyways, I'll watch this when it comes out for sure.
The dialogue in the trailer is pretty bad.
How many threads of these were there?
It looks good, and I didn't have too many quarrels against the effects. My only gripes are the confusing reference to HL2 (why Ravenholm Steel, and why not just Ravenholm?), and the use of Shephard instead of a random resistance fighter or something.

Well the one I noticed most was the explosions seemed too crisp and they needed to feather the edges out a bit.
It looks good, and I didn't have too many quarrels against the effects. My only gripes are the confusing reference to HL2 (why Ravenholm Steel, and why not just Ravenholm?), and the use of Shephard instead of a random resistance fighter or something.

I didn't get that either, and did it say City 7? If so, I guess it's pretty close to Ravenholm and City 17 0:
I'm going to guess that the Ravenholm Steel thing is simply the name of a business. Like the Connecticut Steel Corporation.
I for one think the inclusion of Shephard in a HL2 setting is kind of cool. It doesn't entirely make sense in the context of Valve's established universe, but it doesn't have to be canonical: it's a fan film. It's an interesting angle to take that gman would 'awaken' him to fight with the resistance as he did with Gordon, and one that I think many Op Force fans would be eager to see realised.

The effects looked fine to me, except that first grenade explosion was far too big (unless there were barrels over there but what are the odds, right? :p), and the glow on them is a bit too pronounced. Take the brightness down a little and make the trail shorter and it'll stand out less.

Anyway, look forward to seeing more.
Nice job on the effects.
But am I the only one who has a problem with how Adrian looks? He's like some sort of "stylish" scenester teen who bought a brand new pair of clothes at Hot Topic; especially with that whole goofy bandanna over the mouth thing.

It would have been a lot nicer if he appeared to have been wearing a worn out/resistance modified HECU suit.

Just two.

Three. There was one in the lounge, one in the gaming forum (which was moved), and there is still one in the Half Life Series Forum.
Why is he wearing that bandanna around his mouth? I don't think it will help him breath much or protect him in anyway.
He has no jaw, and uses the bandanna to hide his ugliness.

Decent concept, but poor execution, IMO...too many effects really overpower the viewer. His movement didnt feel right to me. Also, when he throws the nade, a big huge fireball behind him, but when he is hit with one, just a poof of debris, which he somehow survives despite being thrown through the air by the blast. Clothes look too new/clean. And yeah, too many smack you across the face references to the game series, IMO...
Man, tough crowd.

This is pretty cool, I thought. Nice work on everything, very impressive for a fan film. :)