Beyond The Grave Project


Aug 1, 2003
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Beyond The Grave Project​


This thread will be used for me to keep you constantly updated on the development of 'Brandom Heat' also known as 'Beyond The Grave'. He is the lead character of a very popular anime series called 'GunGrave' which was devloped and directed by the same people who made the very popular Trigun. After watching it recently I found a new love for project modelling and decided to get my ass up and start doing things again. This project will be very long term. In no way do I expect to produce and develope the whole model in less than 1 week. In some cases it may take me longer than 1 or 2 months. Remember this is very high polgon detail work and it does take a lot of time, especially when you are been very clean with your mesh (3d-palace is not a good example :D some people may understand this). Anyway... if you do not wish to comment on my model at such a early stage I can understand and please just wait until I get something which is a little more productive.

If you wish to help in acurate C&C please follow the link bellow where you can view large amounts of pictures of 'Brandon Heat'. Thanks.

This is the starting of my model which is in the very early stages. This is the part of Brandons grave which opens up where he can collect explosives and extra fire arms. Its on very early. But here it is none the less:

I always thought the character looked cool, and its probably a good way to improve your modelling skills. But I don't know if I quite get what you're're just creating a high poly model, or are you going to make a high poly model for a normal map, and then make a complete model/skin for ingame use? vtm? :p

Nice start and good luck!

Offtopic: When did you join svencoop?
This is the latest update and I have started to build on the foundations of what I currently have. I have begun to add details to the centre of the cross along with polishing up some areas so I don't have any loss polgons or verts :D


torso boy said:
I always thought the character looked cool, and its probably a good way to improve your modelling skills. But I don't know if I quite get what you're're just creating a high poly model, or are you going to make a high poly model for a normal map, and then make a complete model/skin for ingame use? vtm? :p

Nice start and good luck!

Offtopic: When did you join svencoop?

Well... I don't have any plans for the model, its just practice high polgon work. I want to try and move into animation on this model. Same with lighting etc... it will just give me something to play with when its done :D

I joined Sven Coop in the last couple of weeks.
seriously, how the hell do people do this kind of stuff?
Sorry about the high resolution but it will help you see all the little details I have added and still have to add :D The skull is in its very early stages and I havn't even finished the cross yet. I want to try get a whole area don't so I can make sure scaling etc... is correct. Take into acount I am not using any refrence images such as side and back. I am just going on sight. It takes loads of time, hopfully it will come out well :D Anyway, this is just a simple update so you can see the early stages of the skull. Thanks.

nice. Details on this looks very good. Early to comment on anything, but so far so good :)
Good stuff, the skull looks good... don't forget the occasional wireframe, would help critique ;)

desty said:
Good stuff, the skull looks good... don't forget the occasional wireframe, would help critique ;)


heheheh, I could make some low polgon mesh wireframes, but take into acount its 1/2 a million polgons already. This means all you can see is pritty much solid black LOL.
WOW! yet another update :P

This image is a little smaller so it doesn't end up making the whole thread huge. Anyway, just a quick update:

Looks good but is this supposed to be a real skull? the teeth look a bit wierd, as they are all in one piece, but I don't know what you're trying to achieve.

Don't you have a low rez NURBS like wireframe on these? a kind of polygon hull, but projected on the mesh? If not - nevermind that!

desty said:
Looks good but is this supposed to be a real skull? the teeth look a bit wierd, as they are all in one piece, but I don't know what you're trying to achieve.

Don't you have a low rez NURBS like wireframe on these? a kind of polygon hull, but projected on the mesh? If not - nevermind that!


I will make some tomorrow, its like 3am atm. Its not suposed to look like the real skull. From what I can tell its not anyway. I just think its a random evil skull design. Much of the concept doesn't make sense, this is why I like it :D
i like the cross, looks like the concept. THe skull looks really weird and flat, i dunno, better look closer to the concept. i think the finished face is gonna look a bit weird if you stick with anime roots,, high poly anime :/

one more thing i never understood why when people ask for a wire of a high res mesh, the person making it says "rofl its a million polies" polies, cuz the actual mesh is pretty low. i doubt some1 would work with more then 100 000 poly object unless its zbrush. kinda gets annoying after a while, cuz noobs never ask for wires.
thereisaspoon said:
i like the cross, looks like the concept. THe skull looks really weird and flat, i dunno, better look closer to the concept. i think the finished face is gonna look a bit weird if you stick with anime roots,, high poly anime :/

one more thing i never understood why when people ask for a wire of a high res mesh, the person making it says "rofl its a million polies" polies, cuz the actual mesh is pretty low. i doubt some1 would work with more then 100 000 poly object unless its zbrush. kinda gets annoying after a while, cuz noobs never ask for wires.

Hmmm, well it depends how you look at it. If you think about it after you subdivide the object thats how its suposed to look. so why would you need to show a low polgon mesh? I dunno, it depends what your trying to crit. At the end of the day a high polgon model normally doesn't have to have a good stucture as long as it looks how its suposed to (thats the whole point) I supose when you get into animation you need quite a fluent strucutre. But even then you have so many polgons of your model it doesn't really matter. Also the fact that you need certain strucutres to achieve certain shapes. You can normally tell straight away if the mesh is crap by just looking at the shading and shape. Anyway, I am not saying you need or don't need anything because at the end of the does it really matter? I will do as you requested and post some wireframes :D






You don't need to subdivide it by 40 divisions Itchy :P You overdid it.
Also a lowpoly Wire is good to see how people work/think when they model. A highpoly wire doesn't really give anything away. It's actually quite useless. About the animation part. You don't necessarily have meshes with a high polyCount. We work with rather "mid" poly models at work. The texturing can really spare you a lot of polies.
Mikademius said:
You don't need to subdivide it by 40 divisions Itchy :P You overdid it.
Also a lowpoly Wire is good to see how people work/think when they model. A highpoly wire doesn't really give anything away. It's actually quite useless. About the animation part. You don't necessarily have meshes with a high polyCount. We work with rather "mid" poly models at work. The texturing can really spare you a lot of polies.

Thats a thing, how do you go about texturing something with so many polgons? do you litrally have to flatten out every single polgon?
In maya you can UVmap the lowPoly version so it's in the stack and apply it to the highpoly. I guess it calculates the relationship between the divisions and the edges they are based on. You can probably rely on procedurals on many of the objects for this project. Procedurals are based on mathematic equations so you won't have to worry much about the UV process.
IchI said:
Hmmm, well it depends how you look at it. If you think about it after you subdivide the object thats how its suposed to look. so why would you need to show a low polgon mesh? I dunno, it depends what your trying to crit. At the end of the day a high polgon model normally doesn't have to have a good stucture as long as it looks how its suposed to (thats the whole point) I supose when you get into animation you need quite a fluent strucutre. But even then you have so many polgons of your model it doesn't really matter. Also the fact that you need certain strucutres to achieve certain shapes. You can normally tell straight away if the mesh is crap by just looking at the shading and shape. Anyway, I am not saying you need or don't need anything because at the end of the does it really matter? I will do as you requested and post some wireframes :D
well the end result is high poly but if u want critqiues on how to imrpove the shape/topology/flow and all that stuff, highpoly is pretty worthless.
and for uvs, since this is an anime model, i doubt u will use many bitmap textures but u just uv the low res and the meshsmooth will smooth out the uvs for u.
Don't forget to make a cell shaded render once it's finished :D. So you prefer playing with bevels rather than crease values?

desty said:
Don't forget to make a cell shaded render once it's finished :D. So you prefer playing with bevels rather than crease values?


its a very long way from been finished. I think it will take me about 1 month more. Not sure really. I hope its ready for my interview anyway.