BF 2142: unbalanced community from day one


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
bluesnews said:
Order from GameStop or EB Games and receive an instant promotion the first time you log on to Battlefield 2142! You’ll get immediate access to unlocks including the shotgun add-on for the assault rifle, an EMP grenade, or the squad leader beacon!

For the BF2 Veterans who pre-order with GameStop or EB Games, the promotions stack, so they will really be ahead of the game as they hit the rank of Private 1st Class right out of the gate. Keep your eyes peeled for even more exclusive values from our some of our participating pre-sell partners, and remember to enlist early!

wtf pretty unscrupulous money grab by EA .."pay to have an edge on other players"

pre-ordering isnt a big deal but I dont feel like I need to be blackmailed into pre-ordering a game that may prove to be buggy at launch (history shows that a buggy release is almost certain)
Well, what do you expect from EA? Next they'll be saying you have to pay for patches...
..or for ammunition

"pre-order and get 200 silver bullets that shoot around corners and have a camera attached"

it's "incentives" like this that puts me off the game ...I'll wait for reviews/demo
This is old news Stern. :p Its like Dice will personally come to your house and give you a bj just for buying anything from them.
If being at the top of that scoreboard with blazin UK and his merry men really matters so much that the average Mr. Hillbilly Shitpeas is willing to cheat or pay extra for the priveledge, then he deserves to lose his cash to corporate sharks like EA.
Me, I play cos it's fun, and although I play fair 99% of the time, sometimes it's MORE fun messing around on a friday night with friends, winding up over-zealous fascist clan members on their own servers and making life miserable for the IQ challenged thumb-heads mentioned above by repeatedly jumping in front of their precious jets.

At the end of the day, what the hell can you do with a picture of a plastic looking medal?

it's. just. a. game. :|
that was a good rant ...didnt know you had that in you's kinda sexy ..scary ..but sexy :naughty: ;)

homoeroticism aside you're right ..BF2 players turned me off the game
I was wearing nothing but my special BF2 branded leather thong and Oscar Goldman shades when I wrote it. I feel much better now.

I'll still get the game tho, because hitler kiddies aside, i do enjoy bf2, it's just starting to become a little threadbare. And no WAY am i going back to Ascalon again. Please god, not that. Again.
This whole FilePlanet subscribers/random key getters beta thing was bad enough, then the privilages for pre-ordering came along, I decided, screw it. Quake Wars won't be near as horrible as what they are trying to do, and really, it will more than likely be more playable. I'll play the 2142 beta probably, but I don't think I'm going to buy it. I'm still very contempt with BF2, but it's just getting sad what EA is doing.
I was wearing nothing but my special BF2 branded leather thong and Oscar Goldman shades when I wrote it. I feel much better now.

lol! awesomely sexy ..btw I'm one of the few people who'd get the oscar goldman reference :E

you show your age :E
The whole pre-order promotion is utter bullshit and i don't know why they bother really

The Veterans program is ok i guess, allows you to register your name and get a promotion, meh incentive to buy not increased, will be getting it anyway
The BF2 rank unlocks hardly make the game unbalanced, they don't make shit players good in other words. I don't think having an extra weapon for 30 minutes before somebody else is going to the game unbalanced. God forbid some companies want to add some incentives for consumers :rolleyes:
The BF2 rank unlocks hardly make the game unbalanced, they don't make shit players good in other words. I don't think having an extra weapon for 30 minutes before somebody else is going to the game unbalanced. God forbid some companies want to add some incentives for consumers :rolleyes:

It's incentive that puts doubt upon the gamers wanting to buy it. So apparently, it's going to suck so bad, that it isn't going to make us want to have it. WHAT a free promotion!? It's mine."

Games should be able to sell themselves if they are good enough, not require a little nudge to get it going...EA is just wanting the most money possible, they don't care about anything else.
The BF2 rank unlocks hardly make the game unbalanced, they don't make shit players good in other words. I don't think having an extra weapon for 30 minutes before somebody else is going to the game unbalanced. God forbid some companies want to add some incentives for consumers :rolleyes:

30 minutes? it took me months to get my first unlock
The BF2 rank unlocks hardly make the game unbalanced, they don't make shit players good in other words. I don't think having an extra weapon for 30 minutes before somebody else is going to the game unbalanced. God forbid some companies want to add some incentives for consumers :rolleyes:

What? MOST of the unlocks are WAY better than the stock guns.

Between the PKM and the RPK, it's no contest, the DAO12 is miles ahead of all the other AT guns, the medics G36 is a MUCH more accurate, way better sighted, faster firing version of the M16, the G36C is the strongest between majority of the Spec Ops guns, the L96's razor sights let anybody be an efficient sniper, the G3 and the F200 are both way more accurate and way stronger than the M16...

Unlocks are, for the most part, better than the stock guns. There are a few exceptions (like the M95 is a step back sight wise, the medics M16 is in most situations, better than the L8, and same with the AK...), but most people will take the unlock guns over the stock guns any day.
and the thing is that in 2142 the unlocks are not new weapons but an add on to an existing weapon, an emp grenade (hmm I wonder how effective they are against mechs) and a squad beacon (ok not so useful in combat but still gives a squad an edge when it comes to organisation)
and the thing is that in 2142 the unlocks are not new weapons but an add on to an existing weapon, an emp grenade (hmm I wonder how effective they are against mechs) and a squad beacon (ok not so useful in combat but still gives a squad an edge when it comes to organisation)

What DOES the beacon do?
I guess it puts a waypoint for all the squad to see?
it could be I dont know ..havent kept up with the features of this game ...too distracted by Quake wars
it could be I dont know ..havent kept up with the features of this game ...too distracted by Quake wars

I know that feeling ALL too well.

*EDI*Twtf, when did i hit 6,000 posts?
So bloody what? Some players start ahead of you big deal. Everyone will be new to the experience anyway. Besides that some whore will spend months playing and get ahead of you anyway.
I wonder if Blazin.uK is going to step up to 2142, or keep whoring his way in karkand and getting max points?
ya but I watched the show when it first aired: childhood memories

You're the only one I figured would get the reference ;)
Did you have the steve austin actionman with the special bionic hole through his head too? ace

CyberPitz said:
I wonder if Blazin.uK is going to step up to 2142, or keep whoring his way in karkand and getting max points?

There will always be a blazin-uk, because the balance of nature dictates that the rest of us need somebody to laugh at.
There will always be a blazin-uk, because the balance of nature dictates that the rest of us need somebody to laugh at.

Pah, I wasn't laughing at him, just thinking to myself.."Damn..he's gonna hate when he has to get a job.. D:"
Meh, it's good marketing, I can't complain, they know how to sell a game. Kind of dumb to defeat the purpose of the ranking system though.
Meh, it's good marketing, I can't complain, they know how to sell a game. Kind of dumb to defeat the purpose of the ranking system though.

Considering it's the only thing that has random newbs playing this game...not "OMG TEAMWORK RULES!"


hahah, these are the same people who claim they don't support widescreen resolutions because it would unbalance the game LOL
I just have a hard time careing about this >< I expect shit like this from EA now.
BF 2142 ranking system doesn't take as long to get your rank up though