BF2 demo runs fine on my system...


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
but is that any indication that the full version will run as smoothly?

I played my first single player match a few minutes ago and I gotta say it's WAY more fun than CS:S.
I would buy it, but only if it'll run smooth, obviously.

P3 1.13 AGP 4x
ATi 9600 256Mb
SB Audigy 2 ZS

Specs aside, does the full version give a bigger performance hit?
Did a quick google and found this

Click me'z

I don't have your card but I believe your card is on the supported list and I'd imagine you'd be able to run it. No promises though :)
I played BF2 with a 9600aiw for several months, ran fine.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I played my first single player match a few minutes ago and I gotta say it's WAY more fun than CS:S.
I would buy it, but only if it'll run smooth, obviously.
sp? mp is much more system intensive tbh, i can play sp maxed with 6aa and 16af but mp is a different story, sp is flawless but mp can be a stuttery bastard.
jimbo118 said:
sp? mp is much more system intensive tbh, i can play sp maxed with 6aa and 16af but mp is a different story, sp is flawless but mp can be a stuttery bastard.
K I'll try that next.
Not to mention retail BF2 features 64 player servers, and that can get quite insane on the city maps (big FPS hit I'd imagine).

edit: You win by either:

a) controlling all the spawn points and killing the last member or...

b) win via tickets, either you have more when time expires or your reduce it to 0, simple as that.
If this thing will ever create a damn account I'll hit up 32player online and see how that goes, but man it's taking forever.
You're playing the demo online? Let me warn you of TK'ers, since there's no stat server for demo's then everyone's a raging lunatic there. Not saying there's no TK'ers for retail, but there's far less since there's better safeguards to discourage it. (negative score kick, admins, stats, etc.)
It's not getting past the "Creating account" screen. :/


Ok finally got it. Apparently both _Z_Ryuken and zryuken are already in use. Go figger.