BF2 (DVD version) apparently discontinued


Jan 23, 2004
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When I picked up my copy of Battlefield 2 (DVD) the guy at EB said that the DVD edition was discontinued. looks like whoever owns a DVD version is pretty lucky...well that's the way I see it. anyway...I know what your's not about the's about the game. Just thought I'd let you know. thanks. :P
it was a limited run to begin with. My intire town got skipped on them
Why the hell does games still come on CD over seas? I dont even think there is a CD version avilible here in Sweden...
because there is still a large market here that dont have dvd-roms suprisingly
Revisedsoul said:
go get a room and hope the tray dosnt close
wtf is that supposed to mean asshole? are you suggesting that i would have sex with my dvd rom recepticle? well **** YOU! I would never do anything so ****ing disgusting. the fact that you would claim i would sodomize my disk drive after being aroused upon a game of battlefield 2 is preposterious. moreover, why would i care if it closed? WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT A DVD DRIVE! WHY WOULD I HAVE SEX WITH IT WHEN I HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD DVD-ROM WITH BATTLEFIELD 2 ON IT MERE CENTIMETERS AWAY.
Awesome! DVD editions rock even more with their one disc goodness! (Except the DVD case is the same as the CD case, but it only has one disc and it's impossible to get out.)