BF2 Easter Eggs


Jun 9, 2005
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When I was playing on Sharqi Peninsula i happened to run off and find some pink teddies, and i couldnt find a thread about this so i guess this one could be devoted to the eggs! but back on subject i just thought i would share the pink teddy bears
Ev!lP!e said:
Bump!? What the hell?

Maybe if this thread was asking a technical question about a problem, and if the forum it was posted in had LOTS of traffic pushing the thread onto page 2... Besides it was only 10 minutes after the thread was posted!

:| You don't bump threads here. You joined in March? You would think after 4 months this would be obvious.

Anyway... Funny little easter egg.
There are also the shirts with DICE logos on them, and Dice-Cream billboards. Also, there are boxes of fish, a lot like the pink bears.
vegeta897 said:
Bump!? What the hell?

Maybe if this thread was asking a technical question about a problem, and if the forum it was posted in had LOTS of traffic pushing the thread onto page 2... Besides it was only 10 minutes after the thread was posted!

:| You don't bump threads here. You joined in March? You would think after 4 months this would be obvious.

bloodpressure++ :cheers:
you can throw a grenade or C4 in the water at Songhua Stalemate or Zatar Wetlands and some fish will arise (it doesnt happen that often so dont give up :E)
vegeta897 said:
Maybe if this thread was asking a technical question about a problem, and if the forum it was posted in had LOTS of traffic pushing the thread onto page 2... Besides it was only 10 minutes after the thread was posted!

:| You don't bump threads here. You joined in March? You would think after 4 months this would be obvious.

This link refers to the Pink Teddy Bears Easter Egg. It'll show you how to find them.

And another easter egg is that if you listened closely to the Military chatter either when playing on the main menu or in Commander Mode (which is easier to hear) you can hear one guy in the background singing the Spider-Man theme song. Just listen closely.
Kamikazie said:
you can throw a gernade or C4 in the water at Songhua Stalemate or Zatar Wetlands and some fish will arise (it doesnt happen that often so dont give up :E)

Yeah lol, I once did that and I was suprised as shit to find dead fish rising to the surface of the water. Funny detail.
vegeta897 said:
Bump!? What the hell?

Maybe if this thread was asking a technical question about a problem, and if the forum it was posted in had LOTS of traffic pushing the thread onto page 2... Besides it was only 10 minutes after the thread was posted!

:| You don't bump threads here. You joined in March? You would think after 4 months this would be obvious.

Anyway... Funny little easter egg.

LoL. I know, im active in alot of forums, thought i might get this kinda responce =). I changed my mind on what to reply (god knows why, i dont even usually post, just read, something came over me :|) and in the end i just said bump, maybe i was bumping myself? hmmmm. sorry for hurting your feelings :)
Ev!lP!e said:
LoL. I know, im active in alot of forums, thought i might get this kinda responce =). I changed my mind on what to reply (god knows why, i dont even usually post, just read, something came over me :|) and in the end i just said bump, maybe i was bumping myself? hmmmm. sorry for hurting your feelings :)

I guess i have that power over people...(i can make people post)

Ev!lP!e said:
LoL. I know, im active in alot of forums, thought i might get this kinda responce =). I changed my mind on what to reply (god knows why, i dont even usually post, just read, something came over me :|) and in the end i just said bump, maybe i was bumping myself? hmmmm. sorry for hurting your feelings :)

the remark at the end seems very sarcastic. :)
Kamikazie said:
you can throw a gernade or C4 in the water at Songhua Stalemate or Zatar Wetlands and some fish will arise (it doesnt happen that often so dont give up :E)


I posted this some time ago, but it didn't get the attention this thread gets.
This thread has only got the attention of people cos of the 'Bump' post.
i found a bunker like the ones in BF1942 on the stalemate map to the right of the MEC base (if you are facing the USMC base)
Kamikazie said:
i found a bunker like the ones in BF1942 on the stalemate map to the right of the MEC base (if you are facing the USMC base)
Ya, they even have an old rusted out look to them.