BF2 movies


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'm gonna devote some time this weekend on making my own BF2 movie. I just downloaded Fraps and fiddled around a bit with Windows Movie Maker. Too bad I only have one good Battle Recorder track. Most servers don't have it enabled and the ones that do, haven't set it up properly.

Anyway, without further ado my first step into game movies. It's a short clip of an AT guy sneaking up on me while playing Sharqi.

I don't get it

sex drugs fame knowledge science algebra II religion philosophy bullet time in multiplayer environment and the point of this movie.
Pesmerga said:
I don't get it

sex drugs fame knowledge science algebra II religion philosophy bullet time in multiplayer environment and the point of this movie.

!?how can you not get sex?!
Not bad for your first shot.

For the future - it's cooler to have in-game audio and music than only music.
AmishSlayer said:
Not bad for your first shot.

For the future - it's cooler to have in-game audio and music than only music.

Thanks. I am still figuring out how I can get the sound from the game captured by Fraps. Somehow it only records the stuff the mic from my headset picks up.
Shakermaker said:
Thanks. I am still figuring out how I can get the sound from the game captured by Fraps. Somehow it only records the stuff the mic from my headset picks up.

I have the same problem.

The video was cool, but the music wasn't that great IMO. But of course that's personal preference, so I'd give it a 9/10 for a first attempt. Nice one.
CyberPitz said:
you wanna help me out on mine I'm trying to get going? :)

Sure, just ask. But keep in mind that I just teached myself making vids this weekend, so I am by all means a n00b.
Shakermaker said:
Sure, just ask. But keep in mind that I just teached myself making vids this weekend, so I am by all means a n00b.
Meh, cant be that hard ;P