BF2 Propaganda?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Or just a Battlefield 1942 picture! I was actually suprised I caught that.

OMFG Good find Pitzy! Lol

It's in arabic to... cool... :thumbs:
Armoured Fury has subtle ads for BF2142 - finding them in the maps is quite amusing
OMFG Good find Pitzy! Lol

It's in arabic to... cool... :thumbs:

I was like.. *walk walk walk* "LOOK AT ALL THIS PROPAGANDA! THESE EVIL....BF42?!" heh, quite amusing to hear me talk.
As if I even knew there were easter eggs...If I woulda even had the hint there was something, then I woulda looked alot harder at all the pics. But since I randomly found it, It's impressive IMHO..

now quit raining on my parade. :P
Ever see the pink teddies on that map too? :D

Yeah, I've seen most of the things but didn't think twice about em...odd, how do you NOT think twice about pink bears flying out of a crate?
Cool easter egg

Gonna try that out the next time I am on Mashtuur.

That's creepy...I'mma try it to!

The more I think about it..the more I knew about this. When I first played the game, me and my roomates were like "That would be us..a war going on, and we were STILL making shitty music"