Big Brother - A step too far?


Sep 18, 2003
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We're already under constant surveilance whenever we're in public areas - Do you think being listened to is a step too far?

We don't even know the people who are watching or listening - personally I think the novel "1984" is becoming less of a fiction and more of a reality. What do you think?
If it's going to be installed outside rowdy bars I doubt its possible for personal conversations to be overheard. It does seem suspicious though, I mean if they wanted to monitor the noise level they could just have a device which measures the volume instead of an actual microphone.
well, before long well be monitered every where we go, im sure it will help stop some crime, and catch some criminals.

but the more cctv cameras they put up, the more i feel like a hamster in a cage :(
Whats the point in all of these gadgets. To be personally honest, I reckon we should stick to the acient tradition of being informants
Some man wearing a shirt that said Government came to my house one day and said that Big Brother wanted to watch me. He installed a camera in my shower.
I hate this whole system of control, its so victorian "keep the music down" etc

Whats the fun of a world where everyone shuffles around, trying to not to bother anyone.

Also I hate ASBOs and the fact that police can go up to a group of "youths" and split them up, because if more than 2 people are standing together they are obviously plotting something.

Kids aren't aloud to have fun anymore, they have to stay inside or live a boring sheltered life.
xLostx said:
Some man wearing a shirt that said Government came to my house one day and said that Big Brother wanted to watch me. He installed a camera in my shower.

The G-man did the same to me. I said I reckonised him from Half-Life 2. He then replied "Rather than continually subject you to the irrestitable human temptation of telling all, I have decided to install a camera in your toilet"
i'm fine with cctv as long as theyre in public areas and don't catch me picking my nose or anything embarresing.
The chances of you actually being seen on a surveillance camera are extremelly small. More than half the cameras out there (government or privately owned, its usually the same) are either fake or havn't worked or been turned on in years. Then even with the ones that are working the majority either don't record what they see or the recordings are thrown out within 2 weeks of them being made. Then with the ones which don't record they almost never have anyone watching them live.

I really don't think microphones will be any different. Then just add to the fact that its even harder to identify someone from a microphone and you have something which is likely only going to be used to let police know if there was a lot of commotion in one particular area. Nothing more.
The Mullinator said:
The chances of you actually being seen on a surveillance camera are extremelly small. More than half the cameras out there (government or privately owned, its usually the same) are either fake or havn't worked or been turned on in years. Then even with the ones that are working the majority either don't record what they see or the recordings are thrown out within 2 weeks of them being made. Then with the ones which don't record they almost never have anyone watching them live.

if you actually see a camera, its fake.
GUNS (omg i said the 'g' word) are important to avoid such police states.
If there is no way of defending your rights then you may as well have no rights at all.
I'm not a shady evil person, so I don't give a damn if they listen to me.

And recoil, guns blow.
LittleB said:
I'm not a shady evil person, so I don't give a damn if they listen to me.

And recoil, guns blow.
I'm not a shady evil person either, you don't give a damn if they listen to you?
Ok then, give your full name, address and postcode here, that should prove you are not worried about anyone knowing everything about you.

And yeah guns blow, gun control means freedom for everyone.

If i don't have the right to know everything about everyone else, why should the government......which is afterall humans like me and you.
short recoil said:
Ok then, give your full name, address and postcode here, that should prove you are not worried about anyone knowing everything about you.

If i don't have the right to know everything about everyone else, why should the government......which is afterall humans like me and you.

Yeah, that makes sense. "..not worried about anyone knowing everything about you." Not 'anyone'. I trust the Government with my personal information more than I trust someone with a gun fetish, and any other random internet freaks.
pomegranate said:
Yeah, that makes sense. "..not worried about anyone knowing everything about you." Not 'anyone'. I trust the Government with my personal information more than I trust someone with a gun fetish, and any other random internet freaks.
So, what is to say that i am not working for the UK government?
The government is made up of humans, just as capable of being "bad" or making a mistake as one of us.
I am not proposing that government is a bad thing here what i am saying is that seperation of people and state (or a police state) is a bad thing.

And i do not have a gun fetish, just because i enjoy clay pidgeon shooting and support the right for civilian ownership of firearms does not mean i am sexually turned on by them.
This is being taken way too far now. whats next electronic tags?
B-MAn said:
This is being taken way too far now. whats next electronic tags?
Personal ID cards, then personal ID chips ... then they'll start tracking us all. They've already created a system that ties in to the CCTV system across the UK and recognises our faces when the cameras see us :/
B-MAn said:
This is being taken way too far now. whats next electronic tags?
I don't see why not, afterall if you have nothing to hide then whats the problem of them seeing everything?

I expect soon governments will propose new born children to be given small, harmless electronic transmitters for the reasons of being able to track lost children e.t.c, these tags will remain with a human through their life.
And be used to find where everyone was at a scene of a crime.
You won't be able to step out of line.

Is that what you want? it is certainly not what i want.
They know where you are all the time!

When you live in a big city like LA or NYC. You know you are being looked at all the time and after a while you just ignore all forms of surveillance, until something weird happens to remind you of it. Its not a big deal and you will get use to it and sooner or later the government will push more intrusive laws on the people until the people say stop or no thank you but that is not going to happen any time soon. :borg:
Ive heard the argument "An armed society is a free society". But I beg to differ I belive an educated society is a free one.
Big brother is watching you.
Then again, big brother might be watching Japanese wrestling girls on the next monitor

solaris152000 said:
Ive heard the argument "An armed society is a free society". But I beg to differ I belive an educated society is a free one.
I agree, knowledge is power the thing is though you must keep everyone in soceity "friendly", all part of the same thing.
people working for the people.

If there is seperation it is bad, you end up with oppression, civil war e.t.c

Throughout history we have seen soceities that work are ones where people work for themselves, most are happy as it is good community spirit.
When a government is allowed too much control, or to "rise above" the "civilians" it usually turns bad and means lots of unhappy people.
Lets see where governments get full control and a police state is formed.
1939 germany.
Communist russia.
Communist China.
North Korea.
North Vietnam (slightly different, but still on simmilar grounds)
........i could go on.

As i said earlier, knowledge is power, and so are guns.
Without knowledge you are like sheep in a pen, you do not have the intelligence to do something other than what you are told.
Same with firearms, if you have no way of fighting against the government they can do as they please.
And i know what your thinking "oh but our government wouldn't go bad, we are too evolved to do that"
We havn't changed physically hardly at all since ww2, whats to stop this happening again if a simmilar party gained power?
And there are plenty of people like hitler still in the world.

The way to protect your rights are:
Get educated
Get more power (guns, vehicles....anything that makes it easier to make a stand)

If one day the government enforced that you had to do something you REALLY did not want to do, and you had no way of fighting.....surely you would wish for means to fight? ...or just go and sit back down in your box.
At the moment we can change the government we need no violence to stop them only to educate 51% of our population. Something which has obviously failed in America. Guns are only nessacary when all else has failed, and it hasn't