Big Brother

Do you like Big Brother?

  • Yes, its great television!

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • It is pathetic.

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters
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May 14, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know if big brother is just a UK thing but it is really bugging me, I don't get how putting a bunch of idiots in a house and watching them eat and argue etc, is worth watching.

Does anyone like this show?

I'm getting really sick of reality TV, its a boring and cheap way of getting viewers.

Edit: Damn, sorry I didn't see the other thread.
I've actually been watching it :|

I have no furthur comments......
Reality TV is not reality.

Film me sitting in front of the computer playing video games half the day, and going out and doing stuff the other half, and there you have reality TV, with entertainment the viewers can really enjoy. A little of this, a little that, a little erotica. Hahaha.
george orwell must be doing cartwheels in his grave
Raziaar said:
Reality TV.

Its not ment to be Reality TV, its a gameshow. Thats why they have challanges on the show, thats why there a prize, thats why there people inside who play the game, the game is - Try to be popular with the housemates, and at the same time, try to be popular with the public as at the end its going to be them who deside if you win or not.

All in all most people hate big brother because they see it as Reality TV, when its clearly not even ment to be. Reality TV is very different, for a start is not about 13 people in a tv studio (For all purposes it is a tv studio) doing things you would do on a gameshow.

If anything its a mix with Reality, as there real people living with each other, and they have to cope, and a gameshow behind all that to win money.
Depends how you define Reality TV all other things that are defined as "reality tv" seems just the same, that stupid jungle program, the one on the desert island...etc
Ritz said:
Its not ment to be Reality TV, its a gameshow. Thats why they have challanges on the show, thats why there a prize, thats why there people inside who play the game, the game is - Try to be popular with the housemates, and at the same time, try to be popular with the public as at the end its going to be them who deside if you win or not.

All in all most people hate big brother because they see it as Reality TV, when its clearly not even ment to be. Reality TV is very different, for a start is not about 13 people in a tv studio (For all purposes it is a tv studio) doing things you would do on a gameshow.

If anything its a mix with Reality, as there real people living with each other, and they have to cope, and a gameshow behind all that to win money.

Thats all reality TV is... a gameshow. The reality part is just a gimmick. Its not reality. If you say big brother is meant to be a gameshow, and not reality TV... its still the same thing as being reality TV which is only a gameshow. Heh.
Thread about it already, as for the show, It is pathetic.
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