now lads,I have a Gforce4 / WinFast A170
And if i enable the display adaptors my PC freezes, and i need the display adaptors to run COD2, so basically im fu*ked
and if i enable them, the game wont work
so its down to my motherboard (i think) i have a ASROCK K8 VM800 its brandnew, which is why im having this problems, and ive installed the drivers that are on the CD and stuff... but my Pc still freezes when the display adaptors and turned on
can anybody help me at all please?
thank you
And if i enable the display adaptors my PC freezes, and i need the display adaptors to run COD2, so basically im fu*ked
so its down to my motherboard (i think) i have a ASROCK K8 VM800 its brandnew, which is why im having this problems, and ive installed the drivers that are on the CD and stuff... but my Pc still freezes when the display adaptors and turned on
can anybody help me at all please?
thank you