BIG RoTKsound problem


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
I am playing RoTK on the PC and whenever I get to a cutscene ,there either is no sound, or the sound comes before its intended point. I have a Sound Blaster Live! Platinum with the latest drivers(I think). Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Does anyone know how to solve it?
Well I had this problem with other games, and I solved it by increasing the power of my HD, I had 5400RMP now I got 1000RMP.

Edit: MAN this forums is getting blurry I can not see nothing its all white.
Have you tried updateing drivers...

Oh, and this belongs in the hardware forum

mrBadger said:
Have you tried updateing drivers...

Oh, and this belongs in the hardware forum

"I have a Sound Blaster Live! Platinum with the latest drivers(I think)." - my post
I've noticed some weird sounds playing the demo of it, though its only a demo so probably just buggy anyway for me.. Dunno about the full game, wont be buying it, seems you just keep hold of fire and thats all you need to do the entire game heh.
It's a great game really. It's not just holding down the fire button.