Bill Bailey : Comical, Musical Genious


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Its absolutely brilliant what he does sometimes:

Hes great, this is him explaining how the BBC News theme tune (intro music) sounds like a rave, and its so true haha:


I mean LISTEN TO IT. Its like a ***king party evertime the news comes on now hahah. Especially News 24.


There goes 60 seconds of my life...OR how American Rock is


and a classic:

I knew he was brilliant, but sometimes I need reminding. I've just started watching some seasons of never mind the buzzcocks, he truly is one weird but funny ****er.
The whole Troll standup he did, can get it on DVD and *cough* certain websites, was just...just...soooo funny.

'Argos, with the laminated book of DREAMS!'
'You know why theyre laminated dont you? To CATCH the TEARS OF many beautiful things but i cant have them all *sniff*. Quick, stock check *beep beep beep*'

***king genious.
I'd say Bill Bailey and Eddie Izzard are the two most brilliant british comedians ever. With the obvious exception of Monty Python.
Bill Bailey rocks, and god I hate BBC news 24, mainly because the intro music is so catchy, that and it makes it sound like their important.
I love this show. It never fails to make me laugh regardless of the fact that I've watched it hundreds of times!

Argos Catalog - "The laminated book of dreams to catch the tears of joy!".

Axis of Evil Receptionist - "Hello, this is the Axis of Evil."
"I live in your eyes." This line still makes me ROFL :E

Didn't get the laminated book of dreams joke...

But yeah, Half Troll is bloody ace.
Ok heres the Argos one for a big laugh:


and America's superstitions and the axis of evil:
