Bill Gates offers to buy Nintendo

Oh HELL no. If this happens, I will devote my life to becoming an assassin, and.. .. :angry:
First he tried to buy Nintendo or Sega, and when it didn't work he went on to make the x-box... Maybe he is a gamer? After all, with the X-Box he went mostly for graphics, and we all know that's whats most important to the majority of gamers (not real gamers, mind you ;))
that's a very generic move when it comes to microsoft, and if they did manage to buy it, with the combined revenue of x-box and gamecube, gates would be the most profitable man in the video game scene

that would be hell
pfft, what was he on to think nintendo would back out when theve got the Nintendo DS new model looking pretty sweeet, and zelda around to corner?

well, as long as he's happy, no wait...
Fat Tony! said:
Heh well at least they make good pokemon games ;)
That gave me ideas of new Pokemon that Microsoft would put in if they take over:

but all the newer pokemon games sucked..... on the gamecube a least

besides i think your forgetting one important fellow here

-Halomon :)
Nerdamon used hax0r attack!! , Mircomon has a virus. KO!!
This would be so good, but I don't think that it will happen.

microsoft rocks. f you don't like it, buy an apple. Or better than an apple, switch to linux and don't buy anything with the microsoft logo on it.
tbh i think Nintendo needs a wake up call, just admit it, they stink... (I was a nintendo fanboy and i have a GC :P)
so if he did buy it, what exactly would he call it? 'Bintendo'? And is it even legal for him to buy it? Kinda seems like buying the competition... i.e. slowly creating another Monopoly.
well surprise surprise.. :rolleyes:
but really... what can ya expect from Billy?
hes bored.. and wants something to do..

"hmm.. damn im bored... i think i'll go buy Nintendo today!"

/me sighs
If Bill Gates does get Ninento then pretty soon Bill Gates will probably control everything!

Microsoft are already dominating the software industry, now they're moving into the games console industry. Next thing you'll know they'll have their own CPU's out there and satallites (if they don't already) in space!
To the guy who said Nintendo sucks, I think they're a great company, just a little thick skulled.

"Gamers don't want online games!" :|
I used to be a huge fan of Nintendo... but my support is waning to say the least. I give them 7 years max and then they will be in trouble, and may not be able to turn away such offers.

Just an off the wall predication, but you never know.
As long as Nintendo keep their stranglehold on the east, they will never die out. Microsoft simply can't penetrate the eastern markets like they did in the west.
Hell if they form a team to create one super console that would be kick ass but I doubt this :\

I've always wanted that... Just get ATI and nVidia together and just create one card.... Think about it ATI is better at DirectX and nVidia is better at OpenGL.. Merge the two together and you got a killer combo!
Nintendo in reality would offer themselves to Sony before taking money from a western company especially Microsoft. Nintendo's unique way of thinking combined with Sony's way of thinking and Sony's obvious powerful hardware plus IBM and Toshiba and Rambus. MS/XBox 2 = pwned. but that would probly never happen.