bioshock 2 multiplayer trailer

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Eww. Ever since I heard about Bioshock 2 having MP I was wary. This comfirms it. Same generic cluster**** DM(yes there's plasmids but w/e) as you see in many games. I loved the first game but have very little interest in this.
Yuck. Looks like Wheel of Time multiplayer without the careful counters and balances to powers, and without the awesome Citadel mode.
Generic run and gun action where you have to put a mag and a half into someone to put them down.

No thanks.
Hahaha! Confirms exactly what I thought when I heard they were putting in multiplayer. Why devs think multiplayer is so necessary is beyond me, esp. in a game that was so suited to SINGLE PLAYER ONLY.

Ugh, and to think the EBGamestop manager at the store I frequent actually tried to sell it to me based on "how great the multiplayer will be." Idiot.
Multiplayer should be some sort of team game set during the initial riots. Players battle for useful locations, such as plasmid vending machines, shops and hospitals. Yep.
MP is a good choice, but it seems like the graphics are identical to the first :( Seriously, why don't they make PC exclusives no more.
Looks really fun, going to buy it and love it just like the first one.
Bioshock? Fun? No.
Well atleast they said that it won't affect their concentration on the sp part of the game. Or so we hope.
Am I the only on who thinks being a big daddy is cool?
That looks awful. My interest has fallen from 1 to 0 out of 100.
Was that a sentry I saw? What other multiplayer games have deployable sentries....? >_>
I thought the video was crap, so I'll reserve judgement until I see some better gameplay trailers of the MP.