Bird Flu reaches Turkey and Romania

Ban medicine! lol!

hmm, this looks like it's going to become a pandemic soon. Reminds me of 1918 ;(
kirovman said:
hmm, this looks like it's going to become a pandemic soon. Reminds me of 1918 ;(

1918 when you bravely fought and won the war for us? You make me proud Kirov.
Can you catch this 'Bird flu' from eating chicken/ham/beef etc?
God this aint gonna be prittey. If you look on the map at the bottom of that page you can see which countrys are infected god its getting close to my country! today in school i saw a bunch of birds out side my class room and i was affraid to go near them >.<!!!

the chances of human-to-human transmission are still seen as very slim.
Plus there working on mass-producing a vaccine for it. I wouldn't be worried.
erm, so the media is still in silly season then.

In other news, McDonald's chips are made out of corn and flour.
gick said:
When the fries were cooked in beef fat they actually contained more saturated beef fat than the burgers. Yummy.

mmmmmm rendered bovine anus