Birthstar, Help Wanted



Birthstar: Frontline is gearing up for its March debut at GDC 2006 in San Jose, California. However, we need some more help before we can reach our beta release in the upcoming month. Anyone that's looking to give us a helping hand should be aware that we are on a deadline. Contact me for more info: [email protected], AIM: icedale1, MSN: [email protected]

WEAPON AND VEHICLE ANIMATOR - Needs to be able to compile and test their own animations in-game if necessary.


ENVIRONMENTAL TEXTURE ARTIST - Working off of concept art and your own imagination, levels made for texturing.

Again, please contact me at [email protected], AIM: icedale1, MSN: [email protected]
im sure evan will be interested. also is this for a payed position? i will talk to you next time your on msn about the animations.
Egoncalo, the guy who works for 30 mods.
SixThree said:
Egancalo, the guy who works for 30 mods.

Haha thats great! No longer do I work on 30 mods! Around 3 now. I help out some others. Most have either closed down, or are moving along much to slowly and badly. But I will be in touch about skinning.
Took on Evan, we are no longer looking for a Vehicle Animator unless you are really quite good. We are still looking for the other positions however, please contact me if you would like to just know more, no strings attached.
i could help with texture artist position, but i'd like to know more about the mod, and not just it's name. i added you on msn thou so u can tell me what i wanna know ;) I can also help with animation if required, but i'm sure there's better ppl at it than me, so would only help in that area as kinda backup, or to push for faster release if required at a later date etc etc ;)

well anywayz, we'll talk later i'm sure, but if we keep missing each other due to timezones or whatever, feel free to PM me or email me at [email protected]
We're still looking for texture artists however, even though the vehicle skinning side of things is taken care of, :)