bitonality acid


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
a little experiment with combining two modes in one song, i.e bitonality.

the two scales used are C aeolian and A harmonic minor. check it out, i'd like to hear how it sounds to you.

i also routed the channels of ableton into my analog mixer so end result is abit smoother.

edit: i also made another little track the other night that i havent posted: dame.mp3
Sounds good. If you gave it a slight BPM boost, it could pass as an Analord track.

The acid squelches get a bit monotonous when stretched too long. The usual response is to add more variation, but that just didn't feel right. My suggestion is either to shorten it or just alter the settings on that 303. Give it less of that buoyant elastic sound. Other than that, nothing about the melody itself sounds out of tune. :)

No real complaints about the second track other than those synth stabs in the beginning are too loud.