Black Friday


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
So what did you get? I went at 10 am which is damned late for anything good, but managed to get a digital camera and printer for half off and a Gameboy SP for my little bro which ironically they said they ran out of (the guy in front of us was asking in line) then the dude just walks away, comes back 2 min.s later when the guy who asked already left and we took advantage :D
A friend of mine got a Toshiba laptop and a idunnohowmanyinchesbutitisdamnbig plasma TV for about half the price I think. Said there were tons of people and many fights/arguements (between older women :x). Wish I had gotten up my lazy butt and gone to buy something but I suppose there will be some christmas sales later on :)
The day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. It's traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year (and sometimes considered to be the beginning of the Christmas season).
A friend of mine got a Toshiba laptop and a idunnohowmanyinchesbutitisdamnbig plasma TV for about half the price I think. Said there were tons of people and many fights/arguements (between older women :x). Wish I had gotten up my lazy butt and gone to buy something but I suppose there will be some christmas sales later on :)
My neighbor got a 50" plasma, the box is soooo much larger than need be.
I'd be jealous if I didn't have a 61" HDTV (plasma, hd, w/e its all good)
This is rediculous. Taking a friend to work, and it's 5:30 is traffic.

The day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. It's traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year (and sometimes considered to be the beginning of the Christmas season).
Really? Well then, 'tis the season to be an asshole, fa la la la la la la ****ing la.
its black because stores go from the red to the black in terms of sales, and its basically just a bunch of dumbass discounts which a majority people goo crazy about but in reality if yo ulook hard enough you can find near the same deals all year round without dealing with the assholes and waiting in 2 hour lines.
I got my friend a Maxim calender, and myself a hat. That is all
I plan on buying some clothing..since I need some more for my job...maybe look at a video game or 2..
I got 7 hours on the clock at work and not a penny in tips....

but then again, I didnt really help anyone :D
its black because stores go from the red to the black in terms of sales, and its basically just a bunch of dumbass discounts which a majority people goo crazy about but in reality if yo ulook hard enough you can find near the same deals all year round without dealing with the assholes and waiting in 2 hour lines.
That's why I dont bother going early.
That's why I dont bother going early.

ahah alot of the deals are online now too, that amazon xbox 360 core for 100 was disastrous but usually website go down for 15 minutes and come back upwith all the "doorbusting" deals i hangout at for my deal "shopping" great community i think its hilarious how crazy people can get about those deals and they arent really saving that much, sucks how materialistic holidays have become
****ing americans took down the entire debit and credit card system for Vancouver. I had to wait 5 minutes to buy groceries because my credit card wouldn't go through.
****ing americans took down the entire debit and credit card system for Vancouver. I had to wait 5 minutes to buy groceries because my credit card wouldn't go through.

how come america is always blamed? maybe the fault is yours for buying groceries
Yeah, or for living in Vancouver.

And having a credit card.
****ing americans took down the entire debit and credit card system for Vancouver. I had to wait 5 minutes to buy groceries because my credit card wouldn't go through.

its black because stores go from the red to the black in terms of sales, and its basically just a bunch of dumbass discounts which a majority people goo crazy about but in reality if yo ulook hard enough you can find near the same deals all year round without dealing with the assholes and waiting in 2 hour lines.

Not at all true. Maybe you'll find good deals year round, but never are there that many damn good deals at once. That's why people go shopping.

I got a Samsung 20 inch widescreen LCD for $180, which is what I paid for a crappy viewsonic 19 inch fullscreen LCD a few months ago.
And a 200 gb hard drive for $20.
Whoa whoa whoa son, you got a 20 inch for $180?
When, what type, how and where?
I got a new phone, LG CU500. it looks like a RAZR but it pwns!!
I don't even watch TV that much, but hey, cmon thats 400 for 50 inches.
.....hehe, thats what she said.
I went at noon and bought myself Company of Heroes at full price. Does that count?