Black Halk


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
I havnt played to much, ie barly at all, but i think what this game needs is ropes that come out of the sides of the black halk so your guys can slide down them and bail out.

would look so much cooler then the parashoot
How lame, would make the game so much better :/
Actually people it's not the black hawk, it's the seahawk.
No, it's a blackhawk. There is only the blackhawk in the game. There is no seahawk. If there was a seahawk, they'd call it a seahawk. Both are fundimentally the same, but it's a blackhawk.
If the Blackhawk/Seahawk is going to hover at that height anyway, your parachute will give much the same expirience as sliding down a rope. In all honesty, if they took something out of the game, it was crap anyway, a la all the cut sections from HL2.
Too hard to code, imo.

It would make jumping out of fast black hawks impossible with ropes, and paraCHUTES are just more viable.
They should disable parachutes on certain maps to force the helos to land.
Foxtrot said:
They should disable parachutes on certain maps to force the helos to land.

Eve of Destruction had that and all it did was make people not want to fly transport craft
Dalamari said:
Eve of Destruction had that and all it did was make people not want to fly transport craft
But that was only because the maps were so small, I remember I could take 10 seconds to run to the place or spend a minute taking off in a helo and trying to land it.
Heh, fine with me. The less flying, the better. I jump out when I have to, but I usually go down with my sexual heli!
Top Secret said:
No, it's a blackhawk. There is only the blackhawk in the game. There is no seahawk. If there was a seahawk, they'd call it a seahawk. Both are fundimentally the same, but it's a blackhawk.

Accoording to the official website, it's the seahawk.
It's blackhawk since it belongs to the Marines, I think.
And when you kill someone, it says BLACK HAWK.

The end.
Pesmerga said:
Also note, that in the description, it notes it as the Black Hawk.

It's obviously a typo. The developer is Swedish, so it's likely.
However one of the lead designers is American and was in the army for several years.
seahawks are used for antisubmarine warfare....blackhawks for cargo/moving troops etc.
Top Secret said:
An H-60 is a blackhawk. :)
An HH-60 is a Seahawk, an UH-60 is a Blackhawk.

The biggest difference in a Seahawk and a Blackhawk is their armament and the fact that the tail-wheel on a Seahawk is closer to the center so as to make it capable of landing on smaller surfaces.
Bobcat said:
An HH-60 is a Seahawk, an UH-60 is a Blackhawk.

Exactly, so if we cut the first H, and the first U, we get a H-60.

That's why I suggested H-60. O_o
Does anyone else see Black Talk when they look at the title?
They said in an interview that the roping was taken out because why rope when you can parachute?

Sure, it would be cool... But honestly once the gimmick of it wears off, it won't be as fun. It will be more of an annoyance.

I say it's the Black Hawk. It's black! ;)