Black Hawk Down


Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
I got very bored whilst I discovered FRAPS at the same time. This is usually not a good combination.

Yes, I know the quality is ugh, but I didnt want to upload the 30MB version because I figured the bandwidth would be sucked dry really fast.

Don't criticize it too much, it was made in about 10 minutes just trying to get to know fraps and movie maker. Its nearly as good as the movie tho, you will see. ;)

:cheese: .....waiting for upload to finish....

aaaannnnddddd ...still
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I like it. It's quite emotional actually, due to the music.
CADMonkey said:
I like it. It's quite emotional actually, due to the music.

I was going for the "emotional" / "humorous" thing - demonstrated by the CT trying to jump to the next building and unfortunately coming up short ---> "the men that have 'fallen'
nice! the music really fits it perfectly, but the music isn't from Black Hawk Down is it? cause I though I recognized(<?? how is that spelled anyways <??) something from " A Beautifull Mind" (witch was also a great movie)
The first song isn't from Black Hawk Down. The longer one is and is by Hanz Zimmer. Quite a good artist.
[off topic]hanz zimmer wrote that song for A Beautifull mind right?[/off topic]
The second piece of music was great, the video was ok, and the map is crap.
Actually, both songs are from the Black Hawk Down soundtrack, by Hans Zimmer. Yes, he is quite ingenious.

The map is basically a direct HL1 port by Nipper. I'll admit it is blocky and ugly and the chopper is ridiculous, but there is some fun in loading up in it, dropping onto the roof of a T spawn, flashing the top floor and descending down with M4's clearing the room like Delta Force/Army Rangers.
Not seen the video but im guessing the song by hanz zimmer is from Gladiator?