Black lines on skins!


Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
I have these black lines on my completed skins that show up inbetween each 'part' of the skin. (ie front and back)
A better way to decribe it is that there is black on the skins where there would be protrusions on a plastic toy, where the 2 peices were put together.

Does anyone else have this problem, or can anyone help?

You messed up the UV Mapping. :p I feel your pain.

EDIT: Or you messed up the skin. Either one.
lol he didnt really mess up anything he just painted within the uv lines as oppposed to painting over them. theres a quick fix for this but just to be sure could u post up a render first?
Here's a screeny:

I saw a thread on this, a plugin for photoshop exists which extends the colors to remove these seams..can't remember where though.
This is a common problem because the engine blends the borders. So the easy way to fix it is to expand your color further from the edges of each parts that do that. So around the hands, add a 3-5 pixel of pink hand color.